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Birthday: 3rd June 2003 (Gemini)

Age: 4

Height: 3.4 Ft Weight: 35 Lb

Like Ham, cuddles, swimming with my siblings

Dislike: Not being with(Reader).

Personality: bubbly, honest, and a bit naive.

Quote: "You should never judge others by their looks."

Gender: female

Food: Ham, soup.

Songs: Kids-Current Joys.

Nation: Japanese.

Facts: Ponyo was inspired by The Little Mermaid.

Animals: Fish.

Color: red.

Fear: Thanatophobia (Losing a loved one).

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Birthday: (add your birthday)

Age: 5

Height: small

Likes: Ships

Dislike: people who hurt Ponyo

Personality: intelligent, loyal, heroic

Quote: "Ponyo, make the candle bigger!"

Gender: Female

Food: Ramen

Songs: Telephones-Vacations

Nation: Japanese.

Facts: You don't like men that much, but that will change.

Animals: f/a (Favorite animal)

Color: f/c (Favorite color)

Fear: (add your fear)

Male!Ponyo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now