Sokka's Master

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A/N Don't try to do any of Iroh's exercises unless you have an expert with you. I tried to do the knuckle push-ups and nearly broke my arm. Don't do it, kids.

"Wow, this is amazing to watch," Katara sighed.

"Kind of makes you realize how insignificant we are," Sokka agreed.

"Eh," Toph said. "You see nothing once, you've seen it a thousand times."

The team was lying on their backs, watching the meteor shower. Then a meteor fell from the sky.

"Oh wow," Rina whispered.

"You've never not seen anything like this," Zuko agreed.

That was when the meteorite crashed into the forest. Orange flames licked rising smote.

Katara pointed to a nearby town. "That fire's going to destroy the town."

Rina narrowed her eyes. "Not if we stop it!"


"I'll bend as much of the fire away as I can," Zuko called. He lifted his arms and streams of fire rose into the air before dissipating.

"I'll bend the air away." Rina made a pulling motion with her hand and the fire hissed as it ran out of oxygen.

Katara nodded. "Toph, let's make a trench. Then I'll bend water from the creek to extinguish it."

"What should I do?" Sokka asked dejectedly.

"Watch Tikaani!"

"So what, I'm a chameleon-wolf sitter?" He watched as Katara and Toph cut a fissure through the ground. Flaming embers started to fall. Sokka stamped one out with his machete while Tikaani ran around, extinguishing the rest with his paws.

Then Katara bent a huge orb of water into the air and splashed it down into the creek. Thanks to Zuko and Rina, the fire was rapidly shrinking. "Sokka, stand clear!" Zuko yelled.

"Standing clear."

With a grunt of effort, he bent the fire away from the trees and into the trench. Rina stamped out the remaining flames with a blast of air.

Katara dusted off her hands. "Good work, everyone."

Sokka frowned.


Iroh leaned against his cell, eyes glazed over and drool dripping out of his mouth.

Warden Poon dropped a bowl of mush into the cell and kicked it at Iroh, who scrambled over, shoveling it into his mouth. The warden's mouth curled up in a sneer.

"Look at you. You're a fat, disgusting old man. You do nothing, you say nothing. You just eat and roll around in your own filth like a pig. You're a disgrace."

Iroh waited until the man left and then smirked to himself.


The group walked into the town of Shu Jing, all in high spirits. All except Sokka.

"These people have no idea how close they were to getting toasted last night," Rina said proudly as the team ate at a restaurant.

Toph nodded as she ate her dumplings. "Yeah. The worst part about being undercover is we don't get anymore hero worship. I miss the love."

"Boo-hoo, poor heroes."

Katara scowled at him. "What's your problem?"

"You haven't even touched your smoked sea slug," Zuko observed.

"It's just...It's not easy being the normal guy when your sister's the Avatar. She can do all this awesome bending stuff like putting out fires, and fly around, and make other stuff fly around. I can't fly around, ok? I can't do anything."

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