The Northern Air Temple

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A/N Aren't Rohan and Kyoha so sweet and innocent? He and Meelo probably get into regular fights over who has the better wife. (My opinion: I'd rather have Kyoha as a mom cause she's nice and Narure as a wife cause she's a total mood.) Kai looks like he's on a mission (to annoy Jinora). Idk if I'll do a backstory for Malu's scars, but she served in the army, she's bound to have them. Also they kinda look like Lin Beifong's now that I think about it. Ruhi and Nenzahn are total bros. I got lazy when I got to Rina and Anuri though.

Who do you want me to draw next?

-Katara's S1 team (So no Toph, Zuko, or Suki)
-Katara's endgame team (the full gang!)
-The airbending fam (any specific groups or all of them together)
-Aang's au team (either Hama or Saru, since they weren't alive at the same time)
-Singular characters

"So, travelers, next time you hear a strange bird talking, take a closer look. It might not be a giant parrot, but a flying man! A member of a secret group of air walkers who laugh at gravity and all those bound by it."

"Aren't airbender stories the best?" Rina whispered to Katara as the storyteller finished his tale.

"Was it realistic? Do you know if that's how it was back then?" Katara whispered back.

"I laugh at gravity all the time. Hehe, gravity."

"Jingle jingle." The storyteller shook the hat in front of Sokka. Sokka dug through his pockets and found nothing but a bug and some crumbs. The storyteller muttered something about cheapskates.

"Thanks for the story," Katara called.

"Tell it to the hat, girl!" A copper piece fell to the ground. A camouflaged Tikaani nudged it towards the storyteller. "Aw, much obliged...uh, wind."

"It means a lot to hear your airbender stories," Rina said earnestly. "It must have been a hundred years ago your great-grandfather met them."

"What are you prattling about, child? Great-grandpappy saw them just last week!"


"The Northern Air Temple is just over here." Sang swooped down to the temple nestled in the clouds. "Aunt Jinora told me that the championships for sky bison polo used to be held here."

"Do you really think we'll find more airbenders here?" Katara whispered to her brother.

"Do you want me to be like you, or totally honest?"

Katara crossed her arms. "Are you saying I'm a liar?"

"I'm saying you're an optimist." Katara rolled her eyes. Then she gasped when she saw people flying around the temple.

"Look! There are airbenders!"

"No," Rina said, studying the people. "They're not."

"What do you mean?" Sokka asked. "Those people are flying."

The airbender shook her head. "They're gliding, not flying. You can tell they're not airbenders. They don't have the spirit."

Katara almost had her head taken off as a glider passed right overhead. Its rider, a teenage boy with goggles in a wheelchair attached to the glider, laughed. "I don't know, Rina. Those people seem pretty spirited."

The wheelchair glider passed by Sang again. Rina narrowed her eyes and pulled out her own glider before jumping off Sang. The other gliders flew in formation around Sang. "We should probably find solid ground, before it finds us," Sokka whispered to his sister.

Sang landed on one of the temple's outer terraces. "Go, Teo!" one of the other gliders called. "Show that girl how it's done!"

Teo, the wheelchair boy, swooped down and he and Rina twirled around each other. Katara couldn't help but be impressed with how far her friend had come from the girl who crashed into the watchtower. Her eyes narrowed in determination as she increased her speed, going neck-to-neck with the boy.

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