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Jim had made the worst mistake yet - letting Scotty quit

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Jim had made the worst mistake yet - letting Scotty quit. This had clearly upset Callum, when he got the word. All happening just because he wasn't allowing him to check how dangerous the torpedos were.

Even worse he was allowing eighteen year old, Chekov to take his place. Also, giving the postion of ensign to Olivia. Which she wasn't happy about it, especially since she hates wearing a gold uniform.

Brystal had token into hand that the torpedos were dangerous and tried various scans over them as the ship started off its course to Kronos. The ship cranked slightly as warp speed began swirling around them. 

The white torpedos were almost like delicate porcelain shining in the light. The designs looked a bit more advanced than any other torpedo she'd ever seen. But why would Marcy's entrust them this easily with a advanced torpedo?

"Brystal!" Uhara shouted towards her, running behind her as they made their way through engineering. Brystal looked behind her to see Uhara running towards her. Uhara halted, stopping her ponytail vigorously, swinging.

Brystal had been in deep thought of what Jim had told her about what Marcus said. Marcus was allowing them onto a planet held by the Klingons. The Klingons were for many years, and still were Starfleets enemy. Going onto a planet could bring an all out war to Starfleet.

But the again, this time Marcus didn't seem to care. He wanted Harrison hunted down, to be killed, or even taking to Starfleet for his crimes. Marcy's was allowing a manhunt after the criminal, John Harrison.  Something barely happened in history, except of course for the time when John Wilkes Booth killed Abraham Lincoln, sending a large manhunt after him. That was because Booth had killed an important person.

But John Harrison, he had killed more than just one important person. He had killed mostly all those admirals including her parents. She couldn't blame Marcus for allowing a manhunt on Joh Harrison. A rage in her body for Harrison was exactly what she needed. She wanted Harrison dead, hunted down like a deer, and to face no mercy for his crimes.

John Harrison face seemed to be inked into her head, every time she thought about him. She could remember his icy blue eyes,  sending a cold stare onto hers. How he had mercilessly killed the council and her parents. Her urge to kill him, slowly evolved in her mind.

"Sorry," Brystal started the conversation, putting her datapad in an officers hands, "I was lost in thought."

"Can you believe what happened?" Uhara asked her.

"Which part? Jim getting back the ship, Marcus conducting a manhunt, or the killing of the council? Scotty quitting?" Brystal asked.

"Everything," Uhara told her. They began walking through the engineering department, dodging  officers and equipment. 

"I'm sorry about your parents." Uhara said in a bittersweet tone. Brytsals heart gave a small tug at her heartache she tried to control. The pain still nagging at her every time she thought of them.

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