| math

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i HATED how long the last one was, so i made this one nice & short.

here's a cookie 🍪 & enjoy the long Chapter!❤

《 12 》

"Alright, today we're not doing anything difficult; you all are just going to solve a few equations that I will write on the board from last semester to test if you still remember how to"

After getting groans from those who didn't want to work, the math teacher Toru had spoken about, Ectoplasm, who Himiko immediately recognized as the cloaked man from last week, turned around & began writing said equations.

As he did so, everyone took out their notebooks & pencilcases. Himiko joined them with a sense of pride. Why? Because she finally acquired herself stationary & her bag was no longer empty!

She purchased the stationary last week & went on a shopping spree while she was at it. With no dorm to put her new items in, Ochako, being the amazing, kind-hearted person she was, offered to store half clothes in her closet & the rest in one of her drawers.

With a red pencil in hand, Himiko flipped open her new notebook & looked up to face the front. Ectoplasm was still writing.

I wonder how many math stuff he's writing since he's taking so long. She wondered.

To keep herself busy for the time being, the blonde flipped to the back of her book & doodled a drawing of herself. Her original self. A faint smile came on her face as she did.

It's been a while since she's seen her blonde buns, fangs & cat-like eyes. She would be lying if she said she didn't miss her them.

She's gotten used to seeing Raiza's face in the mirror instead of her own. She's barely in her own body; she only is when her disguise melts & she has to drink Raiza's blood to transform back. It was a good thing the disguise doesn't melt infront of others, as she drinks atleast 2 cups of Raiza's blood to last longer.

"You have 20 minutes to solve these. If you don't understand, don't be afraid to ask for help" Ectoplasm said, finally stepping away from the board, & went to sit on Aizawa's desk upfront.

Himiko flipped back to the front page & looked up from her book to begin copying down.

Her jaw dropped to the floor upon seeing the board.

Numbers. . .letters. . .arrows. . .

Himiko stared wide-eyed at what this school called equations.

What. . .what is this?!

Did she enter a foreign country with a language she's never heard of before? Because it certainly seems like it.

Her eyes raced over the string of complicated equations written on the whiteboard, each one intimidating than the last.

How the hell does Ectoplasm expect me to solve this?!

Himiko took her eyes off the board & turned to her seatmates to see them quietly solving the work in their books. Looking around the class, she was met with the same thing.

How do they understand this complicated mess?!

This was worse than the subject they had before this one—English.

Not only did the blonde not understand a word being spoken, she didn't understand the work given either. The only good thing about that lesson was meeting her english teacher, Present Mic. He was so. . .loud, but in a good way. He kinda reminded her of Jin.

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