| jelousy & blood

123 7 16

A/N: done with Chapter 1! didn't take as long to finish as i thought it would.

Here's a cookie🍪& enjoy the Chapter!❤


"Okay, now solve this"

". . .how is this solved again?"

"You have to solve for 'x'"

"Oh. .okay"

". . ."

". . ."

"You don't know what to do, do you?"

"It's more like I don't remember what to do. Sorry"

"No, don't be! It's okay! Let's jog your memory, shall we?"


Deku briefly explained how to calculate the area of a triangle to Ochako & when he finished, he asked, "Now you wanna try & solve this?"

"I think so"

Ochako worked on the equation written in her math book & when she finished, she showed it to Deku, who smiled & gave her a high five, telling her she did it correct. Ochako didn't know why, but Deku telling her that she did great made her cheeks go pink. The feeling she felt plenty of times when around the greenette came pouring back.

It was no secret that Ochako admired Izuku Midoriya. But that's all it was, right? They were bestfriends & nothing more, right? Ochako often thought of this when she was alone, trying to figure it all out. In the end, it always came down to just admiring him. But Ochako admired many people. So why did she feel this way towards Deku?

"We should probably go down for dinner" Deku suggested as he glanced at the pink digital clock he gifted Ochako for her birthday last year.

"You're right. I'm so hungry, I could eat this whole room!" The brunette joked, making Deku chuckle.

"You couldn't possibly fit this entire room in your mouth!" The greenette joked back, lifting himself off the rug him & Ochako were sitting on for the past two hours, revising their math together in her dorm room.

Deku offered Ochako a hand, who gladly took it, saying, "Oh yes I would!" as she was lifted up to her feet.

"Actually, I'll eat your room instead" The brunette corrects herself. "Mine is too precious to be eaten"

Deku fake gasped, playing along. "My room?!"


"You can't do that!"

"Yes I can" Ochako crosses her arms, a playful grin on her face.

"What about all my Allmight merch?" The freckled boy asked in faux sadness.

"I'll eat them too! You've much to spare anyway"

The two stared at each other before bursting into laughter. When their laughter died down, they began packing their belongings, Ochako dumping her books & pens on her study desk & Deku shoving his in his backpack.

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