Chapter 20: Rocking Around the Christmas Rubble

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Harlan got out of the stairs, tired. He felt the floor shake and his mind went to one person.


He wanted to go back, maybe she was still there, maybe he could save her. But he didn't. Harlan ran.


The building started to fall apart. Walls started to crumble and the ceiling started to break. Harlan scanned around to see a door. He charged at it, running as fast as he could as the structures behind him started to fall and crumble. Floors started to open and hell started swallowing down everything and everyone that it could suck in, but not him. He made it. The bright door with light glowing from outside. Harlan pushed the door open and ran out.


Harlan stopped at the sight of daylight. He fell to the ground, tired.


Somewhere under all that was Eda. Another life lost because of him. Another trail of blood following him.

Harlan hears footsteps. He turns to what was SERPENT's headquarters, now a mess of rubble, fire and destruction. The door opens and out limps Chase Delvey. Chase falls to the ground and drops a bag, files sliding outside. As she reaches for them, Harlan loads his gun and aims it at her. Chase sighs.

Chase: I never wanted this. I never wanted all this for you.

Harlan turns off the safety.

Harlan: And what did you want from me?

Chase laughs. Harlan notices something sticking out of Chase' face. Something like flesh. Chase grabs it and rips it out, a mask, finally revealing a whole side of her face, burned, disfigured. Chase looks at Harlan.

Chase: I wanted to give you all... the time... in the world.

Harlan lowers his gun, finally understanding who she is.

Harlan: Hannah?

Before Harlan could react, something hits him. No... someone. Harlan falls to the ground, gun out of his hand. Footsteps slowly approach him. Harlan takes a deep breath.

Harlan: Nice to finally meet you, Miss Comer.

Vero picks Harlan up by his shirt and raises him to face her.

Vero: Before I kill you, I need to know what happened.

Harlan: Vero... you need to understand one thing. It was all for you.

Vero punches Harlan. She drops him to the ground. Harlan doesn't try to get up, and he won't.

Not this fight.

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