Chapter 3: Do NOT Peak Before Christmas

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Eda walked out of the restaurant. She looked back to make sure neither Lila, Rilee or Ari were following her. Once she was sure, she looked around to find the men in suits and followed them.

Eda followed them as they went to the staircase and walked down. Eda followed at a distance, making sure they wouldn't' notice her. Eventually, the men stopped at the lobby floor and exited the staircase. Eda followed them as they went to the lobby of the building and followed them to the maintenance room. One man opened the control panel and inside it was a keypad. They put in the code 1227 and suddenly, the wall split open. Eda hid behind the door as the two men looked behind to make sure no one was following them before going in. Once the door shut, Eda stepped in, put in the code and the door opened and she walked in.

Eda got her phone out to light the dim hallway. She looked around, noting the texture of the wall. It seemed to outdate the building. As she approached a bigger hallway, Eda heard footsteps. She hid as she saw more men in suits walk past her.

Whittaker: Why is she calling us in now?

Lars: There has been some rumor of progress in-

"What is going on?" Eda thought in her head. Once the two men were gone. Eda walked out into the hallway but bumped into another man.

Agent: Oh shit!

Eda: Blimey, I'm sorry.

Eda noticed as something rolled out of the man's coat. Eda looked at it and it looked like a remote detonator. Before Eda could notice, the man picked it up.

Agent: Watch where you're going, kid.

The agent walked away and Eda watched as he disappeared.

Eda: Yeah, Merry Christmas then.

Eda turned the opposite direction and continued following the men. Eda followed them until she reached a podium overlooking a meeting room. Eda looked around to see other podiums also overlooking the meeting room. Each podium filled with men in suits. Eda tried looking around for the man she bumped into but she couldn't find him.

Baker: Everyone please rise.

Everyone in the meeting room rose up. Eda watched as a big door behind an empty seat opened. The door was opened by two bodyguards, a man and a woman, the male with dark blond hair and the woman with the blondest-blond of hair. Both of them in suits. As the door opened, another woman walked in. Each person in the room with suits flinched a bit as she walked in, approached her chair, and pulled it back for her to sit down. Once she sat down, everyone followed.

Baker: Agent Baker here speaking, accompanied by Agent Montgomery, both assisting Directress Delvey. The meeting is now in session.

Whittaker: With all due respect, Directress, why call us in at this time? And so late?

Greene: The Directress has her reasons.

The Directress called for one of her bodyguards. The male bodyguard approached her and she whispered something to his ear. Once she was done, the bodyguard spoke up.

Baker: The Directress wishes to know the status of Project Eternity.

"Project Eternity... what is that?" Eda thought. Suddenly, the room was filled with whispers as the men in suits started talking to each other. Something was up.

Lars: Phase One of said project is going well.

The Directress: And what of Phase Two?

Lars: Phase Two is ready... except for one minor detail. We are missing one element. Testing for the product is still on the way.

Suddenly, a phone rang. Everyone looked at a podium where the ringing was coming from. Whittaker, who Eda recognized as one of the agents who she saw at the restaurant, picked up his phone. The room went silent as everyone watched him. Finally after some time, he put the phone down.

Montgomery: Whittaker. Care to share with us?

The people in the podium made way for the man, Whittaker, to approach a microphone. Whittaker walked forward and spoke.

Whittaker: I just received word... the product works and is ready to be mass produced.

Although the lighting was dim, and Eda could barely see the face of The Directress, she could swear that she saw a grin on her face. Maybe even a chuckle.

The Directress: Excellent. Start the production of it. Everything must be prepared in three days. I-

As The Directress spoke, Eda saw the agent, Baker, approached the female bodyguard, Montgomery, and whispered something to her. Once he was done, he quickly left the room and Montgomery walked to The Directress and whispered something to her. The Directress stopped talking and even after the bodyguard finished whispering to her, she kept quiet. She kept quiet for a full minute until finally... she spoke.

The Directress: Harlan... after all this time... you've come back... to me.

Eda's heart pounded faster as slowly, the woman turned her head and looked at her direction, and smiled. Suddenly, Eda heard hits being blown from somewhere. Suddenly, a scream. Eda turned to see as a man was thrown off a podium and landed on the table. The men below got up and started to shuffle. But as Eda looked at where the Directress sat, she was gone.

Eda took one last look around before leaving the podium, and entering the chaos that awaited her outside.

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