Chapter 11: Surprise Surprise!

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Cletus: Eda, sweetie, is that you?

Eda walks into her dad's office, face dirty, bleeding and bruised.

Cletus: JESUS... what happened Eda?

Cletus runs to the bookshelf and gets a first aid kit and a bottle of whiskey. Eda sits down on a chair as Cletus approaches. Eda looks at the bottle of whiskey then at her father.

Cletus: This should work.

Cletus gets a wound ointment, cotton buds, and opens the bottle of whiskey. He uses the cotton buds to get some whiskey and puts it over her wounds.

Cletus: Does it hurt?

Eda: A bit.

Cletus takes his time disinfecting his daughter's wounds, before putting the ointments and covering them up with bandages.

Cletus: Any chance you will tell me what happened, dear?

Eda looks at her father and nods no. Cletus chuckles. Eda tries looking at Cletus, but she can't. Suddenly, she starts crying.

Cletus: Hey hey... what's wrong?

Eda (crying): I don't know... I just... I don't know. There's something, Dad. Something I know that I should do... but there are people telling me I shouldn't. What if I'm not strong enough to do it? What if I'm not meant to do it... Who am I supposed to be?

Cletus lets his daughter cry a bit before finally talking.

Cletus: Do you know why... why you always stuck out to me, amongst your friends?

Eda: Because I'm your daughter?

The father and daughter share a laugh.

Cletus: Aside from that. It's something that I noticed... that your friends noticed... and even your cousin Marion and...-

Eda: What is it?

Cletus: You know who you are... and what you want to do. You never give up and when the time comes... you can be the one to make big decisions. That even when the whole world is against you... you will still stand your ground and fight... fight till the gates of hell.

Eda smiles and hugs Cletus.

Eda: Dad...

Cletus: I know.

Eda smiles. The hug breaks.

Cletus: Tell you what, how about I go grab us some ice cream, and let's go watch a movie?

Eda smiles and Cletus gets up and leaves the office. Eda watches as her dad leaves the office room and the footsteps fade. She sits alone, wipes the last tears on her face... when PING!

Eda turns to Cletus's desk, where his phone turned on, with a new mail notification. Normally, Eda would not mind it and wait for her father, but this time was different. Eda got up, and walked to the phone to see an email.

Fr: ????


Eda checked behind her to see if her father has returned. No one. Eda opens the phone and reads the email.

Agent Clement,

Attached in this email are the documents you requested regarding Project Eternity.

Billy Atienza

Eda opens the attachments and the first thing she sees... is a logo of a snake with one name under it.

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