Chapter 8: The Top Elves

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Harlan kicks himself away from the woman, and he rolls a little before stopping himself. As he does, he sees as a person takes his side by the woman. Harlan looks up to them and smiles.

Harlan: About time you two showed up.

Harlan chuckles seeing the two people. The male in a suit, dark messy hair, bearded, and his right hand gloved. The woman, blond hair and in a dark green suit.

Robbie Baker and Thena Montgomery.

Robbie: I've waited for this moment... YOU SON OF A BITCH!

Robbie runs at Harlan and tries to go for a punch but Harlan dodges it. Thena then charges herself at Harlan and pins him to the wall. Thena punches Harlan in the gut, and Harlan has no time to react to Robbie charging at him preparing to punch him in the face. Robbie punches Harlan with his right hand... and the blow...

Blood spills out of Harlan's mouth. There was something about his right hand.

Harlan: Didn't I cut off that han-

Robbie grabs Harlan by the collar and throws him to the machines. As Harlan crashes into the machine, the impact is so strong that it leaves a GIANT dent. Harlan tries to get up, but he can't catch his breath, and he is too weak and tired to get up.

Robbie and Thena slowly approach him. Thena gets a gun and aims it at Harlan.

Thena: This is for my husband... YOU SON OF A BITCH!

Harlan braces for impact... but BANG!

Robbie and Thena jump. They look up to see where the gunshots came from.


Harlan looks at his side to see a C4 explosive. He grabs it.

Harlan: EDA!

Eda turns to Harlan and Harlan tosses the C4 explosive at her. Eda catches it and places it on the door. Robbie and Thena turn to Harlan, who takes out the remote detonator. Harlan smiles before pressing it. Harlan braces himself and the explosives go off. Explosives go off in Robbie and Thena's face, throwing them to the other side of the room. An explosion also goes off near Harlan throwing him to the wall. Harlan crashes into the wall and violently lands on the floor. Harlan weakly coughs, spits out some blood before noting the cuts, wounds and bruises on her arms. Eda runs to Harlan to help him up. Eda helps Harlan get up to the catwalk and out the door, to Baxter's penthouse. She takes a look down to see the lobby is filled with SERPENT agents. She then helps carry Harlan to the elevator and she presses the button to the twenty-third floor.

In the elevator, Harlan uses the handrails to sturdy himself and stand properly. Eda offers to help him but Harlan refuses.

Harlan: No no... I'm fine.

Eda: We gotta take our emergency escape plan. The lobby has people.

Harlan nods. The door opens. The stairs to the roof appear.

Harlan: Watch my six.

Harlan runs out, to the stairs, and to the roof. He runs out to the roof, to see the dark night sky and the city lights all around him. Harlan sees the bag with the grappling hooks and wires that Eda left on the roof and he runs to them to start setting it up... when he sees a grappling wire and hook already set. Eda runs to the roof.

Eda: Coast is clear, let's go.

Harlan turns to Eda.


Harlan points at the wire already set.


Harlan: THEN WHO-

Suddenly, a person kicks Harlan's face. The person then goes on Harlan's body and punches him in the face. Eda gets her gun and shoots a warning shot at the person.


The person turns, and instead of a face, Eda sees a mask. A dark military mask with military-grade thermal goggles. Eda looks to see the masked person wearing an all-black military combat suit.

Eda: What the hell?

The masked person suddenly throws a small dagger at Eda's hand. It cuts Eda's hand, causing Eda to throw away the gun.


Harlan uses his knee to kick the masked person from behind and kick them a bit forward for Harlan to punch them and kick them away from him. The masked person falls back a bit but picks herself up. They then bring out a small knife. Harlan takes a breath to prepare himself. The masked person charges at Harlan but Harlan dodges the knife. He then punches it out of her hand. Harlan then neck-locks the masked person and pulls of the mask. The woman slams her head back at Harlan and kicks her back. The woman then throws Harlan over her and kicks him to the other side. Harlan slides and before he can get up, the woman takes out a gun and aims it at him.

Eda: NO!

Out of nowhere, Eda slams herself into the woman.


Suddenly... time flew slowly to Eda, as she felt the bullet's impact... and the blood starting to pour out of her.

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