Chapter 4: Fighting with Toys

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Eda left the podium and went back to the hallway she came from. Men in suits started running towards something, or someone, guns out. Eda followed them. The agents turned right and before Eda could turn to follow them, gunshots. Gunshots came from the hallway ahead, men were thrown at the wall, blood splattering on the wall. Eda watched as a man in a suit tried to flee away, but a knife was thrown and hit him at the back. Eda slowly approached the wall and peaked to see the man she bumped into earlier reloading his gun. Eda his once more behind the wall and heard his footsteps approaching. Eda braced herself, ready to fight when suddenly, a hand grabbed her. Eda tried to pull away but the man was too strong. He pinned her to the wall and put a knife on her throat, and Eda begged for her life.


Harlan looked at her.

Harlan: Oh come on.

Harlan slowly lowered the gun and looked at Eda.

Harlan: You're... you're just a kid. What the hell are you-?

BAM! Gunshot. Harlan ducked.

Harlan: Quickly... follow me.

Harlan started to run away, and Eda followed. Gunshots came from behind as Harlan and Eda ran. Harlan turned around and with a single shot, shot the man shooting at them.

Eda: Nice shot-

Harlan: GET COVER!

Men with machine guns started shooting at them. Harlan and Eda took cover by the walls. Harlan took off his blazer and revealed a vest with bombs. He took them off and slid them away from him and towards the men shooting at him. Harlan then ran back for cover, took our the remote detonator, and- BOOM!

Eda turned to see bodies on the ground along with gravel and smoke. Harlan threw the detonator to the ground.

Harlan: C'mon, let's go.

Harlan ran out and Eda followed.

Harlan ran outside to a car, when shots were fired at them. Eda opened the door to the car and used it as a shield. Harlan got in the driver's seat and put the key in. The engine started but one of the agents shot the tires to Harlan's car.

Harlan: Damn it.

Harlan checked the wheel.

Harlan: Tire's dead. Crap.

Harlan turned around and saw a toy store's delivery truck approaching. With no other choice, Harlan ran towards the truck. Eda stayed hidden behind Harlan's car, bullets bouncing off the bulletproof shell of the car. As the driver to the truck opened the door, Harlan pulled the driver out, threw him to the ground, and put his foot on the gas.

Harlan: KIDDO, LET'S GO!

Eda turns to see Harlan. She gets up and runs to the passenger seat of the truck. Once she is in, Harlan drives off. Eda looks at the side mirror to see the agents staying behind. But as they stay behind, some black SUVs drive up approaching them.


Harlan: Shit. HOW MANY?

Eda: FOUR!

Harlan takes out a pistol from his coat.

Harlan: Can you drive?


Harlan jumps off the driver's seat. Eda lunges herself into the driver's seat and starts driving. Harlan loads the barrel to his gun and opens the window to the passenger seat. He sits on the window, aims his gun at one car, and shoots. Harlan gets the driver of one of the SUVs, killing him, causing the SUV to crash. Harlan smiles, but agents in the other SUVs shoot at Harlan. Surprised, Harlan moves to dodge the bullets but he drops his gun. Harlan watches as the truck drives away from the gun.

Harlan: Damn it.

Harlan looks back to see a door to the truck's compartment. He opens it to see all kinds of toys inside. Harlan smiles.

The agents chasing them start shooting at them again.


Harlan gets a toy bow and arrow set and takes it to the front. Eda looks at him, confused and judgtngly. Harlan notices her.

Harlan: Just drive.

Harlan grabs a remote bomb from his pocket. Once the window is rolled up, he sits by the window, then sticks the bomb to an arrow. He aims the bow and arrow at the car, then lets go of the arrow. The arrow sticks the the car window. Before the agents could understand, Harlan presses the remote detonator, blowing the car up.


Harlan watches as the car breaks into pieces and two other cars follow him. Harlan reaches in his pockets looking for another bomb, but all he finds are grenades and a knife. Harlan looks in the toys and sees a skateboard. With no other options, Harlan rushes and grabs the skateboard. Once he has it, he opens the door.

Harlan: I'll be right back.

Harlan takes a deep breath before jumping off the truck, landing on the skateboard in motion.


Harlan holds on the window of the truck to keep him in motion with the truck. But he sees the truck approaching a car. Thinking fast, Harlan lets go of the door, sending him back and the door crashes into the car, causing the door to get ripped out.

Harlan grabs the side mirror of one the cars chasing him, but as he does, he slips off the skateboard, and hangs onto the side mirror. Harlan gets the knife out his pocket and uses it to cut the tire of the car. The car loses control and Harlan jumps from that car to the other car beside him. He crashes into the window and hangs onto the door handle. The agent in the car starts shooting at the window, and Harlan hangs on as bullets fly above him and shards of glass fall on him. Once the shooting stops and as the agent starts reloading, Harlan takes the grenade out his pocket, pulls the pin, throws it in the car and lets go of the handle.

Harlan rolls in pain on the rough stoney street. As he stops, he watches as the SUV drives a few miles before being blown up by the grenade. Harlan smiles as he all danger seems to have been taken care off, until he sees one more SUV approaching his way. Harlan tries to get up but he's in too much pain. The car gets closer and closer to him, prepared to run him over. Harlan covers himself, bracing for impact, when CRASH!

Harlan looks to see the SUV, with a truck crashed into it. Harlan looks as Eda takes a few deep breathes before turning to him.

Eda: Hey, let's go!

Harlan slowly and carefully gets up, and boards the truck and Eda drives them away.

Eda: So... where to?

Harlan: I got a place we can go to.

Eda: I'm Eda by the way. Eda Clement.

Harlan looks at Eda to see Eda offering a handshake. Harlan weakly smiles before shaking it.

Harlan: Hi Eda. I'm Harlan.

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