Chapter 10: A Frosty Friend

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Eda walked out of Harlan's safe house. She walked away a bit before hailing a cab. The cab pulled over and Eda went in. She immediately shut the door and looked at the window.

Masked Vigilante: You know, you should look before you ride a car.

Eda turns to see the Masked Vigilante she fought on the roof. Eda immediately went for the door but it was locked. The woman sighs.

Masked Vigilante: Look look, I'm not here to kill you, I just want to talk.

Eda: Shooting me a while ago gave me the idea you are here to kill me.

Masked Vigilante: Hold up, I didn't shoot you. You jumped in the way and got shot. I shot the gun, but not with the intent to kill you, Eda Clement.

Eda looks at her.

Eda: You know me?

Masked Vigilante: Yeah, yes I do. Would it make you more comfortable if I introduce myself to you?

Eda thinks about it.

Eda: Maybe.

Masked Vigilante: Alright. Well, I'm Veronica. Veronica Comer. Call me Vero.

Vero extends her hand for a handshake. Eda looks at is suspiciously.

Vero: Look, I'm not gonna hurt you, okay? If I wanted to, I would have before you even entered the cab, which is taking you home by the way.

Eda considers this, and shakes Vero's hand.

Vero: Oh... not the reaction I was really expecting.

Eda: Am I supposed to know you or something?

Vero: I kinda hoped you would. So... Eda Clement, what were you doing with Harlan Brandle tonight?

Eda thought about it.

Eda: I... I saw some men... last night. Followed them to a secret meeting of this evil organization... you're not part of SERPENT are you?

Vero (laughing): SERPENT? Noooo. No I'm not. I'm freelancing. So... what was in this secret meeting?

Eda: They were discussing something. Then Harlan interrupted the meeting. He saved me from the SERPENT agents, helped me escape.

Vero: And how is that how you ended up here tonight?

Eda: He told me that he was tracking down SERPENT. My friend had a lead and we followed it to that building. We were trying to escape two SERPENT assassins. Then you came in.

Vero: Where is he now?

Eda: I don't know.

Eda lied, and Vero knew.

Vero: You're lying.

Eda: No I'm not.




Eda: No. But I know he is a good man. I know he is.

Vero: WHY? HOW? Just because he saved you that night? Just because he saved you from those assassins and fought me off to protect you? Do those actions justify who he is?

Eda looked at Vero, confused. Vero scoffed.

Vero: He never told you, did he? He never told me who I am.

Eda: Who are you?

The car stops. Eda turn to see her home. Eda looks at Vero, scared.

Vero: I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise.

Eda: Who are you? Why do you want him?

Vero thinks about it for a while. There is pain in her eyes as she thinks of the words she is about to say.

Vero: Whatever it is that he told you... he's lying.

Eda: He's just trying to save the world.

Vero: Harlan Brandle might save your world... but eight months ago... he destroyed mine. That man... took EVERYTHING... from me.

Vero nods as a single tear trickles down her face.

Vero: Goodbye Eda.

Eda nods, then opens the door, steps out of the car, and watches as the car drives off. Eda reruns in her head everything that happened in the car, before walking into her home.

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