Favourite Activities to Do Together

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Walker Scobell
- he enjoys playing in the snow with you — mainly skiing.
- you'd never actually skied until you met Walker, which made it even funnier when he attempted to teach you whilst wearing skiis of his own for the first time.
- we don't mention the fact that he's fallen more times than you have.

Adam Reed
- he is a huge VR lover, and would often play VR games with you.
- it's the funniest thing ever when you'd accidentally bump into each other.
- there was this one time where the two of you played a VR horror game which scared the shit out of Adam, more so that he almost threw the VR sticks into his window.

Charlie Kincaid
- you and Charlie are huge movie fanatics, which is why you have annual movie marathon dates where you watch the latest movies at the cinema all in a day.
- when you get home, the two of you discuss, in detail, your opinions on the movies. You then collectively rank them on your existing list of ranked movies.
- you aren't a huge fan of TV series', mainly because they're usually extremely long, but you watch them for Charlie.

Percy Jackson
- loves to take you on museum dates, it's essentially a tradition.
- whenever he is allowed beyond the camp grounds, he will take you to a museum. Doesn't matter if it's a mythological museum, or an art museum. He loved the way you interpreted the exhibits and loved the way you explained the backstory of each one in detail.
- he'd listen to your voice for hours, sinking every word into his brain.

Sorry for no update yesterday 😭 I was just so flabbergasted by how well the first two eps were + I was super busy yesterday !! I know there's going to be new readers especially after PJO released, so welcome everyone !! 🫶


lovesong - walker scobell preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now