Jealousy Levels

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Walker Scobell
- he thanks your editing community immensely, especially after THG: TBOSAS released.
- let's just say, he rarely checks the comment section from now on. The comments are crazy.
- he secretly has a collection devoted to your edits, though!! The editing community has slowly pieced that together after the amount of edits of you he's favourited.

Adam Reed
- he's not much of the jealous type, especially since he already knows you're getting married in the future.
- sometimes, men who approach you get on his nerves, though.

Charlie Kincaid
- the poor guy is self conscious about his burping and often gets made fun of for it.
- one time, a guy asked you for his number and Charlie stepped in, but because of how nervous he was, he burped which caused the guy to laugh.
- this made him even more insecure than before and often feels helpless when guys flirt with you.

Percy Jackson
- he might have the confidence of Poseidon, but having a daughter of Aphrodite as his girlfriend comes with its challenges.

I'm so excited for the Percy Jackson series I swear. On the day of the first EP release I'm going to be away on holiday though 😭 I'm crying I can't. - Raven


lovesong - walker scobell preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now