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"Okay, remember. You get a few choices to judge your character. One, maybe two gods will appear and offer you a gift. It's a gift you can chose to refuse. Just don't tell anyone what was said to you until you master your powers," I explain again. I was checking everything was ready for the ritual for the fifth time in about thirty minutes.
"Yes, Eira. You've said it a million times now," Anwyn responds sarcastically. She had crossed her arms, leaning on one leg. She was annoyed by my perfectionism. 
"And I'll say it a million times more. Are you ready?"
"As ready as we can," Raidne responds. Her smile somehow manages to calm me down.
"See you soon, little ones," Caspen hugs the twins tight. I raise my shadows around us before I light the bonfire. Each of the twins threw something in that they held dear and sat each on one side of it. 
"Hold your head high, have faith in yourself, and nothing will go wrong," I mumbled. The two girls repeated the line and Caspen and I waited. We sat in silence, both with a stack of pillows and blankets at the ready.

"Do you remember what the god said to you?" Caspen asked in hushed tones.
"I remember that mine was unique. Three gods. One gave me healing, the other gave me my star powers. And the third told me he would see me later. And I remember that it killed me not telling you and Kiaan." Caspen chuckled. It had taken me months before I was allowed to tell anyone about my Trials.
"Mine was rather boring in comparison. I was given the flowers and I was out of there." He looked at his hands with a sad smile. 

"I love your powers, you know that? I envied them once," I told, looking into the flames of the bonfire. Caspen turned his head towards me, frowning.
"Mine? You were the most powerful of us all."
"Exactly. And I was suddenly feared for it. Only Kiaan didn't change how he looked at me. He understood." I could remember the fear that rippled through the palace as I told my parents and my instructor. Caspen knew it too. He had feared me, had told me so after a year.
"Kiaan's fire and levitation was amazing," Caspen sighed.
"He hated them. He told me that the gods granted him those powers because of his character. Grounded and calm. He hated that they were right."
"He mastered them so quickly. He used to spend hours on end practicing with them." Caspen was confused, his forehead filled with wrinkles from his frown.
"Yes, he did. We used to talk about it a lot. After our lessons or sparring. Sometimes even during. Or during one of our trips. He and I felt the same. Like a weight had been put on our shoulders."
"Why? Just because the gods favored you? Because or parents favored you?"
"Because we were suddenly competition." I bit on my bottom lip and sighed. "Mom and dad never told you this but Drosera's heir isn't determined by order of birth. The Gifts of the Gods are indicators. And once you're in the running, you can't renounce your title. It didn't matter that we were 10 and 15." Hurt filled Caspen's eyes as he looked at me once again.

"You're telling me you were in line for the throne? Together with Kiaan. Before me?" Betrayal was audible in his voice. I looked in his eyes, just as hurt.
"Yes. He shielded it from me though. He didn't want me to feel pressured and burn out. He didn't care what the customs were. We would be next to each other anyway. If he was to be King, I would lead the armies, and if I was to be Queen, he would be general. He used to say that he hoped I would win."
"Sometimes I forget how inseparable you were. I was so glad the twins were born. I had sisters who I could bond with. Not that you left me out. Sometimes, but well, I didn't like fighting. And I'm not nearly powerful enough to train with you."
"Did you bond with the twins?" I gave Caspen a playful jab. He chuckled. 

We stared into the bonfire. The girls were still sitting each on one side of the fire. Raidne was the first to move. She smiled and got to us. She glowed with pride, her golden hair bouncing around her head.
"That was amazing. Caspen, I was given the gift of creation. What can I do with it?" she asks as she sits down with us.
"Eira, do you remember?" Caspen asks his head turning red with embarrassment.
"It can take a few shapes but knowing you, I think you can have your drawings come to life if you want them too. That's beautiful Raidne." I pulled her towards me in a tight embrace. She laughed and clawed her way out of it. She looked between me and Caspen.
"How's Anwyn? Is she out yet?"
"No, not yet. Have patience. It can take a while," I responded. She nodded and took one of the blankets.

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