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"Ah-! I am so sorry

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"Ah-! I am so sorry...!"

The girl profusely apologized, bowing a hundred times as she cleaned up the shards of the broken glass pitcher.

"Y/N, hurry up! There's still a ton of orders, quite messing around!" One of her co-workers chided from a distance, shaking his head as he grumbled under his breath.

"Y-yes, in a minute-! Ah!" She dropped the fragment of broken glass, wincing when blood began to trickle down on her pointer finger.

"Ugh, you are such a klutz! Seriously, can't you do one thing without completely screwing it up?" Another one her co-workers reprimanded, and with the use of a broom and dustpan, swept up the mess Y/N had made.

"You're also incompetent. Why didn't you just grab a broom instead of picking up the glass one by one? Now look what happened." She gestured to the cut on her finger.

"I-I'm sorry, it won't-"

"'It won't happen again'? Is that what you were gonna say?" Her head hung low as she nodded. The older woman sighed. "Y/N, you've been saying that since the day you were recruited. It's been six months, and you still haven't gotten the hang of things!"

"I'm so-"

"And for God's sake, stop apologizing! Is that the only thing you know how to do?"

"Hey, that's enough bickering." Her boss walked up to the two, arms crossed and brows knit together. "Esther, get back to work. And Y/N, come with me to my office."

The girl followed her boss to her office. The door clicked shut behind her. "Please take a seat, Y/N." It wasn't an offer, but rather a command.

She plopped down on the worn-out black leather chair, the cold metal of the arm rest sending shivers up her spine. Her boss sat opposite of her, a wooden table between the two.

The woman's hands were clasped together on the table as she started. "I'll get straight to the point, Y/N. I'm afraid that Esther is right. Six months and you still haven't adjusted here. You keep messing orders up, causing accidents, and what do you do? You just apologize, promising that it won't happen again. But do you actually keep that promise?"

She kept her head down as her eyes glued to the floor. Her eyes brimmed with tears, and she couldn't help but let out a quiet, choked sob.

Her boss sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "And of course, you're natural response is to cry. Listen, Y/N. You won't achieve things by just sobbing, pitying yourself, and hoping things will go better. You have to actually do something about it. You're on your second year of college, and you still act like a child."

"I-" Y/N paused, the words of her coworker ringing in her head like an annoying alarm.

"I'm sorry." But despite that, there was not a hint of an apologetic tone in her voice. "Y/N, you're fired."

The rain drizzled from the sky, a thin layer of cloud obscured the peeking sun just a bit

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The rain drizzled from the sky, a thin layer of cloud obscured the peeking sun just a bit. It was a sun shower, the first one in a while.

Children were running around, laughing without a care in the world as they bathed in the cool refreshing rain.

"Look! A rainbow!" One of the kids announced, and everyone else immediately turned to where the child was pointing.

Y/N did the same, looking up at the sky to see a river of color, lurking behind the clouds. While everyone awed at the beautiful multicolored arc, the girl felt hopeless. Her mind kept drifting back to what happened at the diner where she worked and the harsh but true words that were spat at her.

"What do I do know...? How will I earn money...?" She wailed. "I really am incompetent at everything... I just get fired from one job to another...!"

She didn't bring an umbrella with her, but it seemed to work in her favor. The best thing about crying in the rain is that people will think that it's just the rain droplets on your face rather than your tears.

Y/N reached the bus stop, which was fortunately empty. Her wet uniform soaked the seat when she took a seat. As she contemplated on her next course of action, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a fox crossing the road.

"Huh." She stared at it's vibrant orange fur, paws and tail that faded into a dark brown, and perked up ears. "Foxes aren't common here... Well that's something you don't see everyday..."

The fox was at the middle of the road when a massive truck came hurdling out of nowhere. The creature stopped in it's tracks, eyes wide and fur standing up as it froze in fear.


She didn't know what came over her, but for some reason, Y/N jumped out of her seat and lunged towards the fox, protecting the creature in her arms.

They say that minutes before you die, your life flashes before your eyes, reminding you of what you had done and accomplished.

In Y/N's case, it was filled with people reprimanding her. She's spent all of her life hiding and feeling sorry for herself. She's ran away from every problem. Almost every single night was spent crying her heart out as she wonders why she turned out like this.

Y/N's last thought before she dies?

'I'm sorry for turning out the way I am... I'm sorry for being a pathetic coward...'


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