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He watched her trying her best to seem calm and collected as she rocked her baby in her arms.

"I kinda expected you'd pull this cheap act." He commented, his eyes darting between the baby and her, "I feel bad for him, that he got a mother like you."

"You have no right to call me here and insult me-"

"Oh really? Thought we were crossing our boundaries every chance we get." He interrupted, leaning back on the chair as he picked up the cup of coffee.

"Did she manipulate you again?" Rayna asked, rolling her eyes as a smirk appeared on her face, "You know girls like her always pull that one move, they'll cry rivers down their huge eyes and have every guy under her control, don't tell me I didn't warn ya." She shrugged.

"You know what girls like you are called? Homewreckers." He replied, "If you really want a better future for your child, stop with these acts, this won't get you anywhere."

"We were getting somewhere!" She exclaimed, slamming her fist on the table, "We were going to be with each other when she came in and ruined everything and don't you dare deny that."

"The only thing I ever felt for you was sympathy. Nothing else, if I had any kind of feelings for you, I would've let you know." He replied, "Everything you think was between me and you was your imagination."

She laughed, "Keep thinking that but you won't be able to brainwash me like she did to you."

"My puppy is more sensible than you. It's a waste of time and energy to talk to you calmly." He said, keeping the cup down as he looked at her, "This is the last warning, approach Madira again and I won't think twice before ruining your life. Think about your baby if not for yourself." He continued, standing up, keeping a five hundred rupee note on the table.

She stood up too as he did, "Give me a week too, that's only fair to both of us, you gave Madira a chance, it's my-"

A chuckle left his mouth as he heard her words, "Give you what?" He asked, "You must be high on something very cheap if you thought you could ever compare to Madira."

"What does she have that I don't?"

"Everything. Genuine feelings that I can see in her eyes, the love she has given me...the way she treats me like I'm the best person even though I'm not, the way she was ready to give up because you fed her with lies and you ask me what does she have that you don't?" He asked.

"I hope she never keeps you happy," Rayna replied, blinking away her tears as she looked away.

"I hope you get a fucking life." He replied, walking out of the cafe.

"Mihir..." She called after him but the door closed shut behind him.

He was wrapped in a bear hug as soon as he stepped into the parking lot. His hand went to caress the open hair while the other one wrapped around her waist.

"What did I do to get this hug?" He asked.

"I'm just very happy," Madira replied, her muffled voice almost not understandable.

"Hmm...I hope you're always very happy then." He replied, tightening his hold on her as he raised her in the air for a millisecond before breaking the hug since she never did so every time they shared a hug that was, three times in total.

"I was talking to Mummy and they were having a conversation about talking to your family about bhai and Ishani's marriage." She told him excitedly, "I can't wait, you'll be with me na? I'll tell everyone that I finally have you in my life," She smiled, looking up at him.

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