Chapter 74: Road to Mistral Part 2

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Third Person POV 

Ruby: It's so boring without Y/N! 
She groaned loudly as she laid on her bed. 

Weiss: He's only been gone for a few days. 
She commented as she looked at Ruby, holding her scroll in hand. 

Ruby: I know! Its just so boring! 

Blake: Ruby, aren't you supposed to be studying? 
She asked, looking over her book as she looked at her. 

Ruby: Y/N's usually the one helping me with it. 
She said, looking at her as her head slumped off the side of the bed.

Weiss: Then let me tutor you! 
She yelled at her. 

Ruby: But you're so mean! 
She yells back as Blake stared at them silently before reading her book. 

Ruby: I'm hungry. 
She said before climbing off the bed. 

Weiss: But you just ate. 
She said as Ruby rushed out of the room. 

Weiss: That dolt. 
She said before sighing. 

Weiss: Don't you miss him? 
She asked Blake as she looked at her papers. 

Blake: Yes. 
She said, continuing to stare into her book.

Weiss: You must be worry about him. 

Blake: Yes. 

Weiss: And I'm bet you're wondering why Ozpin sent him with that girl and Pyrrha. 

Blake: Why are you asking me these questions. 
She said, her book now laying her lap as she stared at her teammate. 

Weiss: Because you've been acting differently. 

Blake: Like how? 

Weiss: Seen you out with Sun out more lately. Why is that? 


Pyrrha: Look at that!
She yelled excitingly as she pointed at an upcoming village. 

Pyrrha: I didn't know villages like those existed outside of the kingdoms

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Pyrrha: I didn't know villages like those existed outside of the kingdoms. 
She said as I chuckled at her excitement. 

"There are villages like these outside of the kingdoms." 

Pyrrha: How many villages have you come across?


Pyrrha: How were they? 

"They were alright. Good places to stop to rest and food."  

Pyrrha: How often do you do this? 
She asked as her hands were wrapped around my chest. Feeling her head bare down on my shoulder as I held onto the rope. 

"What do you mean?" 
I asked as I looked at Amber riding ahead of us. 

Pyrrha: Travel to Mistral by foot. 

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