Chapter 53: The Past

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Y/N's POV 


???: Mommy ?Where are we going? 
I heard a voice as I looked around to see my younger self. 

"What is this?" 
I asked myself as my younger stood with her, holding her hand with a smile. 


Salem: Just going to a different room. 
She answered as she walked with my younger self down a hall before opening a large set of doors.

Y/N: Wow. So big. 
He said with awe as he looked around the room. 

Y/N: Wow

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Y/N: Wow.. so many books. 
He said with awe as he looked at her with a smile.

Y/N: C-C-Can I have some? 
He asked as he looked at her with pleading eyes. 

"Hmm... how pathetic." 
I thought to myself. 

Salem: You can grab any you want. 
She said with a smile as Y/N smiled widely before going down the halls, scanning the books. 

Salem: Don't go too far Y/N. 
She called out. 

Y/N: Okay! 
He yelled back as he continued to run down the hall before stopping to see a book. 

Y/N: What is this? 
He asked himself as I followed him, seeing him pull a book out of the shelf .

Y/N: Why does it have a V on the cover? 
He thought out loud before opening it. 

Y/N: He who desires but act not, breeds pestilence. 
He read to himself out loud. 

Y/N: Huh weird book. 
He said to himself before putting the book back into the shelf. 

"By an author named V." 
I thought to myself. 


???: Y-Y/N... 
I heard her voice before turning around to see her, my eyes widen as I looked at her. 

Seeing her blonde hair and tearful blue eyes look at me, her hand holding her side as she limped towards me as blood ran down her side. 

Salem: Y-Y-Y/N. 
She mutter weakly before falling to the ground as a man in black stood behind her, staring at me with a grin. 

???: Sparda. 
He said as he held a bloodied sword in hand. 

"Who the hell are you." 
I said before seeing him suddenly disappear. 

"Where the hell." 
I said in fear as I looked around before feeling a hard kick to my gut. 

I yelled in pain before crashing into the ground. 

I held my stomach in pain as I slowly got up before seeing her lifeless eyes stare at me. 

I asked before feeling his hand around my throat. 

???: Time for the Sparda line to end forever. 
He said with a large grin as I tried to pry his hand off. 


Dream Ends 

Third Person POV 

Y/N: Gah! 
He yells as he jolts up in his bed, gasping in shock as sweat ran down his face. 

Y/N: Who the hell was that.
He asked himself as he placed his hand on his head. 

Y/N: Just who the hell was that. 
He thought to himself before getting up and walking out of the room. 

Y/N: I should see Ruby to see how she is doing. 
He thought to himself as he walked out of the building and into the courtyard. 

Y/N: It's sunny. 
He thought to himself as he looked up at the blue sky, hearing birds chirping as they flew past him. 

???: Oh hey Y/N! 
A voice called out to him before turning to see a familiar face. 

Y/N: Summer? What are you doing here? 
He asked as he looked at her with confusion. 

Summer: Just here to buy food for my daughter. 
She said with a smile, holding a a jar of cookies. 

Y/N: Oh... 

Summer: Yeah. So where are you heading to? 

Y/N: I'm going to go see Ruby. 
He replied as Summer smiled. 

Summer: Looks like we're both heading to the same destination. 
She said with a smile as Y/N slowly nodded. 

Summer: So I heard you've protected Yang. 
She said as Y/N nodded, slowly approaching the hospital. 

Summer: I'm glad you've did. 
She said with a smile as the two of them walked into the hospital before seeing the receptionist. 

Receptionist: Hello. Are you two seeing someone here? 
They asked. 

Summer: Ruby Rose. 
She answered. 

Receptionist: Ah okay. Room 3. Have a good day you two. 
They said and walked down the hall before seeing room 3. 

The two walked into the room to see Ruby with her headphones on. 

Summer: Hello Ruby. 
She said as Ruby continued to listen to her music. 

Summer glares before opening the cookie jar as Ruby looked at her. 

Ruby: Cookies! 
She yelled with a smile before seeing Y/n. 

Ruby: Hey Y/N. 
She said with a smile. 

Y/N: Hey cookie monster. How are you feeling? 

Ruby: I'm doing better. Was just hungry. 
She said as she rubs her arm. 

Summer: Then eat Ruby. 
She said before shoving a cookie into her mouth as Y/N chuckles. 

Somewhere Else 

Mundus stood in the castle as he looked through the glass, overlooking the land of darkness .

Mundus: Hmm... 

???: So how will you help me. 

Mundus: Do you not see the answer? 
He asked as he turned around to see Salem looking at him. 

Salem: You offered your help to find Y/N. 
She said to him. 

Mundus: Do you not see the answer in front of you? 
He asked as Salem looked at him with confusion. 

Mundus: It is only a matter of forcing his hand. You'll see shortly. 

Here is chapter 53 of Who The Monsters Are! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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