Chapter 2: Beacon Academy

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Third Person POV 

Salem was sitting in her chair as Mercury, Emerald, Cinder, Watts, Hazel, and Tyrian were sitting in the room. Talking about their plan. 

Salem: Cinder. I'm assuming you and the others are ready to.
She said as she looked at the three. 

Cinder: Yes mistress. 
She said to her. 

Salem: Good. Now go to Haven. 
She told them. 

Cinder: It will be done. 
She said before walking out of the room as Mercury and Emerald followed her. 

As the three walked out of the room, Salem looked to the side and saw an empty chair. As she looked at the empty chair, one person went through her head. 

Salem: Y/N. 
She said with a tinge of sadness to herself. 

Tyrian: What is it mistress? 
He asked her. 

Salem: It's nothing. 
She told him. 

The room went silent as Salem overheard Cinder's voice through the door. 

Cinder: Oh. Mercury. You're much more of a man than Y/N. 

Emerald: Yeah. 

Mercury: Come on girls. Let's not disappoint our leader. 

Watts: Oh great. Don't want them to get all smoochy around here. 
He groaned out in annoyance. 

Salem: Why is Cinder dating Mercury after the betrayal of Y/N? 
She asked herself. 

Hazel: What is it mistress? 
He asked her. 

Salem: It's nothing. 

Hazel: Are you thinking about Y/N? 
He asked her. 

Watts: What about that traitor. 

Tyrian: Good thing mistress here got rid of him. 
He said manically. 

Salem: I-It's nothing. 
She told them. 

Salem: You may all leave. 
She said to them. 

Watts, Tyrian, and Hazel walked out of the room, leaving Salem in the room. Leaving her to think to herself. 

Salem's POV 

I looked at the chair as I thought about him. 


"How could you?" 
I asked myself as I thought of Y/N. 

The son that I loved. 

Someone that could have been of my own. 

But he left us .

Lied to me .

Betrayed me. 

I asked myself as I thought of the many times we've spent together. 


I was standing in front of him as he pulled out his weapon and started shooting at me. I formed a wall and blocked all the shots he was shooting at me. As I heard the clicking of his weapons, I lowered the wall down but saw his sword slashing through the wall. 

"Oh my. That was surprising." 
I said with a small smile, seeing him improve. 

Y/N: Am I getting better? 
He asked me. 

"Yes. Yes you are." 
I said. 

"Let's go rest. That's enough for today." 
I said as I walked towards the door. 

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