Chapter 67: Devils

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Third Person POV


Vergil walked into a dimly lit room as Dante followed him into the room.

Dante: Here to see your kid? That's surprising.
He commented as Vergil looked at him.

Dante: What? Just saying.
He said as Vergil walked into another dimly lit room before seeing Y/N.

Dante: Kid must have been hit pretty hard if he's in here.
He commented as Vergil looked at the young swordsman.

Vergil: Get Alyssa.

Dante: What?

Vergil: Get Alyssa. Now.
He repeated once more with bits of anger as Dante ran out of the room.

???: Didn't think you'd be here of all places.
A voice called out as Vergil turned around, gripping his hilt .

Vergil: Ozpin.
He said as Ozpin looked at him, holding his cane as he looked at him.

Ozpin: Hello Vergil.
He said as Vergil glared at him.

Vergil: Who did this.

Ozpin: I don't know.
He said as Vergil continued to glare at him.

Vergil: What happened to him.

Ozpin: He went out with Ms. Goodwitch and her class for an assignment. 2 hours later, he comes back, unconscious.
He answered as Dante and Alyssa entered the room.

Dante: Oh, talking with the old man I see.
He comments as Vergil glared at Ozpin.

Vergil: I'll ask again, who did this to him.
He repeats himself as Ozpin shifts his glasses.

Ozpin: Ruby said she saw a boy with grey hair running from the scene.

Alyssa: There is a scent of dark magic around him.
She said as her hands hovered above Y/N. A bright aura slowly enveloping around him as a hint of purple aura flowed around him.

Dante: Vergil...
He said as Vergil walked out of the room.

Dante: Vergil. Wait up.
He said as he ran after him, seeing a portal being slashed open.

Dante: Where are you going?

Vergil: Isn't it simple enough?
He said before walking through.

Dante: What if it is a trap?

Vergil: And what if it is?
He asked before walking through as Dante followed him through.

Dante: So unlike of you Vergil.
He said as a slash was heard, a grimm falling to the ground as Vergil held his sword in hand.

Vergil: Just find him and end all of this



"What the hell happened? What did Mercury do?"
I asked myself as I heard the sound of water around me. Hearing birds chirp around me as I slowly stood up.

"Where am I?"
I asked myself as I looked up at the clear blue sky.

"Am I dead?"

???: W-Why Y/N?
I heard her voice as I quickly turned around, my eyes widening as Blake stood in front of me. Her amber eyes staring at me as tears ran down her cheeks, blood running down her arms as she fell to her knees.

I asked with shock as she continued to look at me.

Blake: W-Why?
She asked as I looked at her with confusion.

"W-What the hell is going on?"

???: This was almost too easy Cinder.
I heard a voice before turning around to see myself. Seeing him stand with Cinder as an orange aura flowed around her.

Cinder: All thanks you to my love.
She said with a smirk as she held her arm up, a fireball slowly forming as I reached for Red Queen.

"No. I'll never side with the ones who attempted to assassinate me."
I growled angrily and charged at her before seeing her guardian charge back at me.


Third Person POV

The two swordsman clashed against each other. Their eyes glaring into each other as their swords weighed onto the other.

Cinder's Guardian: You could have everything that day.
He commented as Y/N glared at him.

Cinder's Guardian: You could have all three of them. And I wouldn't exist.
He said with a grin as Y/N continued to glare at him.

Y/N: I'm fine where I am.
He said as the guardian smirked.

Cinder's Guardian: Oh? Then why does you still lash out like a dog.
He said before pushing Y/N back and swung his sword towards the swordsman. His bright and sharp blade cutting through the wind as Y/N quickly rose Red Queen up.


Y/N stumbled back as the swordsman continued to charge at him, dragging his sword along the ground as the scent of ash filled the area.

Cinder's Guardian: Tell me, if you're happy with what you have. Then why don't you throw your sword at her while she's powering up.
He comments with a grin before bringing his sword upwards towards his adversary.


Cinder's Guardian: There we go.
He comments with a grin, seeing his sword lodged into his side, seeing blood run down his sword as Y/N coughed up blood.

Cinder's Guardian: Even now, you still have some for her.
He comments more before hearing a click.

Cinder's Guardian: What the?
He asked with confusion before seeing Blue Rose, seeing its barrel going towards Cinder.

Cinder's Guardian: Im-BANG

Dream Ends

Alyssa was standing over Y/N as her hands hovered above him, a bright green aura surrounding him as she looked at him.

Ozpin: Will he be fine?
He asked as he looked at her.

Alyssa: He will be.
She answered as Y/N slowly opened his eyes, revealing his E/C eyes.

Alyssa: Y/N?
She asked as Y/N slowly sat up, groaning softly.

Y/N: What happened?
He asked as the two adults looked at him.

Ozpin: You've been out for a few hours Mr. L/N.
He said as Y/N stood up.

Y/N: I see.
He said as Alyssa continued to look at him.

Alyssa: Are you feeling okay?
She asked as Y/N slowly nods.

Y/N: Yeah. I feel better. Now I need to do something.
He said before walking out of the room, leaving the two adults alone.

Ozpin: That... worked out.

To Y/N

Y/N walked out of the hospital as he rubbed the back of his head.

Y/N: Time to grab the maiden and drag that fool out of that hole.

Somewhere Else


Dante: Mundus.
He said as Mundus smirked, his arms crossed behind his back as he stood in front of a large window.

Mundus: The sons of Sparda. How predictable you two were.
He chuckled as Vergil charged at him, raising his sword above his head as Mundus slowly raised his hand.


Dante: What the hell do you mean.

Mundus: With you two here, that means my puppet will have his wish granted.

Here is chapter 67 of Who The Monsters Are! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far?

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