Chapter 80: Hidden Evil

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Third Person POV 

Y/N: Hey Blake, what are you doing? 
He asked as he laid against a tree, holding his scroll to his ear. 

Blake: Just laying in bed. What are you doing? 

Y/N: The three of us just got to Mistral. Most likely leave by the end of the weekend. 

Blake: Why the end of the weekend? Didn't you say only 3 days. 
She asked as Y/N sighs. 

Y/N: I don't know how long I'm going to be down here baby. Ozpin has a tall order I need to fulfill. 
He tells her as Blake sighs sadly. 

Blake: Its cold without you here. 

Y/N: Just wait a few more days baby. Just a few more days and I'll be home. 

Blake: Promise? 

Y/N: Promise. 

To Pyrrha 

???: So who is that boy you were traveling with dear? 
A voice asked her as Pyrrha held a bowl in her hands, full of vegetables. 

Pyrrha: Oh, Y/N. Why do you ask, mom? 
She asked as she looked at her mother. 

Pyrrha's Mom: Oh nothing. Just thought its strange for a headmaster to send a huntsman with an injured hand with you. 
She said as she cooked. 

Pyrrha: It's a small injury. 
She said as she looked at her. 

Pyrrha's Mom: From grimm? 
She asked as she looked at her with fear. 

Pyrrha: Yes. 
She said half heartedly. 

Pyrrha's Mom: I'm glad you guys just made it safe. It would be a shame for you guys to be stuck out there all alone by yourselves. 

Pyrrha: I could handle it mom. 

Pyrrha's Mom: I know. I'm just worried about you guys. All three of you are so young.
She said as she continued to cook for them. 

Pyrrha's POV 

???: It would be a shame if anything happened. 
I heard her voice again as I felt my heart stop. Hearing her voice, full of malicious intent, as her steps echoed behind me. Her red eyes staring at me as she grinned, holding a bloodied knife behind her. 

"Get away from her!" 
I yelled at her as I saw my mother look at me with confusion and fear. 

Mother: W-What's wrong honey? 
She asked as she looked at me, her eyes filled with confusion and fear at my sudden outburst. 

"I-I-Its nothing." 
I said, looking away as I didn't see her anymore. 

Mother: Are you okay honey? Maybe you should lay in your bed. 
She said as I looked down. 

"Yeah. Maybe I should." 
I said as I sighed. 

Mother: Get some rest honey. You must have had a long journey. 
She said with a small smile. 

I said before walking to my room, hearing her voice echoing through my head. 

"What's wrong with me?" 

To Ozpin

Goodwitch: How long are they supposed to stay there?

Ozpin: Until L/N completes his mission there.

Goodwitch: That is?

Ozpin: Clean up the mess he created.

Goodwitch: What did he do?

Ozpin: Worked with a group of her followers and now Leo is requesting aid to cut down this criminal activities.

Goodwitch: So you sent L/N of all people to do this.
She said with hints of anger.

Ozpin: It is also a test. To see if L/N has truly aligned himself with us or return to her when he can. 

Goodwitch: That's why you sent Ms Amber and Ms Nikoss with him? 
She asked as Ozpin slowly nodded.

Ozpin: Both Ms Nikos and L/N have some form of an attachment and Ms Amber is there to remind him of his past sins. 

To Y/N 

???: Never thought I'd get to see the servant himself. 
A man said with a raspy voice as Y/N sat in in front of him, leaning on his hand as he looked at the old man. 

Y/N: Hello father Anthony. 

Father Anthony: Y/n. What brings you back home? 

Y/N: I need information on activities in Mistral. 

Father Anthony: Why of course. 
He said before letting out a small cough. 

Father Anthony: The mistralians have been keeping their eyes on this place for a while since you've left. They've infiltrated the black market. 
He said as Y/N looked at him. 

Y/N: Why. 

Father Anthony: There was a rise in kidnappings and murders. 
He said as he felt Y/N's eyes on him. 

Father Anthony: After noticing this pattern, the mistralian started to employ the vacuoans and the hateful to go after these... criminals. 
He said with some anger as he clenched his fist. 

Y/N: I see. What of these criminals? Any details that can lead me to them. 

Father Anthony: Only this mark. 
He said as he handed him a paper with a mark. 

Y/N: The mark of the grimm. 
He said as father Anthony nodded. 

Father Anthony: Help us Y/N. I'll pay 10,000 lien if you rid us of this ailment. 
He said as he looked  at the young swordsman. 

Y/N: How many am I looking at. 

Father Anthony: 4-40 members left. 

Y/N: It will be done. Pay me at the end of our bargain. 

Here is chapter 80 of Who the Monsters Are! Hoped you all enjoy this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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