Chapter 49: Monster

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Third Person POV 

Watts was sitting in front of a computer in a room with a smirk as Mercury appeared on the screen. 

Watts: My. My. What is the little boy, Mercury doing right now. 
He said with interest as Mercury walked towards a group of white fang members before uncovering a crate of weapons. 

Watts: Continuing with the plan I see. What a shame he won't be able to complete it without the virus and installing it. 
He said, chuckling to himself as the white fang members walk out of the room. 

Watts: Where are you going. 
He said to himself as he watched Mercury walk towards another door. 

Mercury walked through the door as Watts switched to another camera, showing Ruby tied around the wrists. 

Watts: Interesting. 
He said before pulling out his scroll before pulling up Y/N's contact. 

Watts: Let's see how this goes. This is going to be fun to watch. 

To Y/N 


Emerald: AH! 
She yelled in pain before crashing into the ground before Y/N, groaning in pain as Y/N glared at her. 

Y/N: Where is Mercury Emerald. 
He said with anger as he looked down on her, seeing tears run down her cheeks. 

Emerald: I-I-I'll never tell you. 
She said, looking up at him with tears before being kicked at the side of the head. 

Y/N: Thought you'll be smarter than this. 
He said as Emerald laid on the ground, hearing her mutter to herself. 

Y/N: How pathetic. The Emerald I knew was a thief with a back up plan. Now you're nothing but a coward waiting for her master to come and rescue her. 
He said as he looked around himself, seeing the room slowly change. 

Y/N: So that is how it is. 
He said out loud before pulling out Blue Rose and aim at her. 


Emerald: AH! 
She yelled as she got up, looking at him with fear before looking at the bullet hole near her head. 

Y/N: How pathetic. You think a mere illusion can stop me. Cinder had half of the Maiden's power and I took her out easily. 
He said as Emerald looked down in despair. 

Y/N: Oh how she begged for her miserable life. Just like the lonely little kid she was when we found her. Wrapped up in raggedy clothes in an alley and beaten to a pulp, begging for her adversaries to stop. One by one, I've killed them and with nothing but a little poisoning and dust. Pour it all into the water supply, they'll die hour. 
He said with a grin as Emerald looked down, tears dropping to the ground. 

Emerald: Y-Y-You're a monster. 
She mutters. 

Y/N: Really? Am I a monster? I'm merely a product. Just like that bitch, Neo. 
He said as Emerald glared at him. 

Emerald: Don't talk about her! I know what you did to her! YOU MONSTER! 
She screamed at him with anger as Y/N chuckles. 

Y/N: Oh, you saw the video of poor little Neo struggling for her life. That was mere fun. 
He said as Emerald's eyes slowly filled with fear. 

Y/N: I may or not have let that video out. 
He said, chuckling to himself as Emerald slowly looked down in despair. 

Y/N: Just a small taste of what's to come. 
He said before pulling out Blue Rose and looked at Emerald to only see a bloody Ruby. 

Ruby: Y/N? Where were you? Why weren't you there to save me? 
She asked as blood slowly ran down her throat before falling onto the ground. 


Emerald: AHHH! 
She screamed in pain, holding her bleeding leg as Y/N aimed at her. 

Smoke running from the barrel of his weapon as he glared at her, a puddle of blood forming around her. Tears dropping to the ground as she sobbed heavily. 

Y/N: Now tell me. Where is Mercury. 
He demanded as he glared at her. 

???: Enough Y/N. 
They heard a voice as Y/N growled angrily. 

Y/N: Stay out of this Alyssa. 
He said with anger as he looked down on Emerald. 

Alyssa: And I said enough. Doing this to her won't bring you anything. 
She said as Y/N growls. 

Y/N: Fine. 
He said before walking out of the room as Alyssa looked at Emerald. 

Alyssa: What am I going to do with that boy. 

To Y/N 

Y/N walked out into the dark forest as he glared at the ground in anger. 

Y/N: 1 day left and I haven't been able to find Ruby yet! 
He yelled to himself in anger before punching a tree. 

Y/N: And now I am forced to keep that bitch alive! 
He yelled as he continued to punch into the tree before hearing a growl. 

Y/N slowly turned around to see a large beowolf, growling at him as it slowly approached him with caution. Y/N remained still as he started at it blankly before seeing the beowolf lung at him with its claws out. 


The beowolf sunk its claws into the tree as Y/N pulled out Red Queen and brought down his sword, cutting through the Beowolf with ease as it collapsed onto the ground. 


Y/N: More I see. 
He said out loud before turning around to see 3 beowolves growling at him. 

Y/N: Good. Maybe I can let loose on you four. 
He said with a grin before seeing a beowolf lung at him. 

Y/N dodged out of the way as another ran towards him with its jaw wide open. The beowolf lunged at him with its jaw wide open. 


The beowolf howled in pain as Y/N ripped his sword out of the beowolf's stomach before slamming it down onto another. 

Y/N: GAH! 
He gasped in pain as he was pushed back from the last beowolf. 

Y/N: Pretty strong. 
He said to himself as the beowolf continued to push him before hitting a tree. 

Y/N: Gah! 
He gasped in shock as the beowolf opened its mouth. 


The beowolf stopped as Y/N stabbed through the beowolf's throat with Red Queen. Y/N pulled out Red Queen out of the grimm as he panted softly. 

Y/N: That was fun. 
He said before hearing his scroll ring. 

Y/N: Who the hell is this. 
He said to himself, holding his scroll in hand. 

Y/N: This address huh. So that's where Ruby is being held at. 

Here is chapter 49 of Who The Monsters Are! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you al think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

Who The Monsters Are(Cheater Harem X Betrayed Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now