Arguments #8

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Siya's POV

Saying I was hurt would be an understatement today. I was angry, upset, frustrated and what not. I never in my wildest dreams had thought that Ahaan would be thinking of me and Abhishek as a couple, and then would taunt me for that.

Was this the reason he agreed to complete that dare?
Does this mean he likes me too?

But does that matter right now? Of course not. The only thing that matters right now is that what made him feel so?
Or, is his trust in me and his childhood friend is so fragile that he didn't even bothered to ask us once?

"Where are you lost Siya?", I heard my chemistry teacher say. This is the third time I was pointed out by her for being lost in the class today, "Uh, nothing ma'am.", I told her.

"Then tell me, what are we studying right now?", she questioned cocking her brow, "Um..nomenclature of branched chains", I told her as I looked at the board where topic for today was written in bold letters.
I know I am smart.

"Um, okay, then what's this compound?", she asked me, and I gulped nervously. She drew the structure of some carbon compound I don't know, existed and added, "Come on fast, what's this compound", I so want to kill that donkey of a person, Ahaan right now, I am here in this situation just because of that idiot.

"1-Ethyl-2,4-dibutyldodecane.", I said not completely sure of my answer.

"Close enough but you are missing a simple rule Siya. You are a bright student, concentrate on your studies, do you understand?", she said and I nodded, "Yes ma'am.", I decided to take Ahaan out of my mind for a few minutes and concentrate on my studies.

After twenty minutes, our class was over and I was standing outside in a garden nearby waiting for Ahaan. It's necessary to clear things out right now as I definitely don't want to be reason behind any misunderstandings between him and his friend.

I was sitting on a bench, when I saw him, "Why did you called me?", he questioned looking everywhere else but not at me.
"What shit were you speaking in school?", I glared at him.

"I was speaking the truth", he said glaring back at me.

"And what made you feel so, would you please elaborate.", I said through gritted teeth, "It's evident Siya, I can see this, and trust me, I don't have any problem with this, but I am hurt because you didn't told me yourself, neither did he, you guys could have told me atleast—", he said and I interrupted, "Ahaan it's—"

"I am stupid that I am getting jealous of my friend, and I admit that, but I just can't control this feeling now, I might be sounding stupid, but I am insecure of your closeness with him, and I admit that, more than insecure I am hurt with the fact that you guys didn't told me this before.", he ranted, "For how long you were feeling this Aha–?", I questioned but he again interrupted.

"It doesn't- It doesn't ma-tter, what matters is that whatever I feel is the...truth, and it's evident in your actions, the way he flirts with you, I can see everything, today also you were blushing.", he said, his voice cracking and I rolled my eyes at his confession.

"Are you crazy Ahaan? I never thought that you would be so big of a fool. You assumed all this stuff of me dating Abhishek in your head because of a stupid, idiot dare, and in rage, you just did not kissed the girl who is head over heals for you! Do you even realise what have you done? You just encouraged her feelings and now she is going to behave even more crazily! And I never thought that you would be so orthodox that you would think that I am dating Abhishek just because he flirts with me! For God's sake everything between me and Abhishek is platonic, we just enjoy each other's company and he flirts with me in a healthy way!", I snapped at him.

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