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Jenna abruptly entered Sevyn's room to rouse her from slumber

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Jenna abruptly entered Sevyn's room to rouse her from slumber. Upon entering, she observed numerous tissues strewn across the floor adjacent to the girl's bed, drenched in a dark, ebony-hued liquid.

Jenna's gaze swiftly shifted between the discarded tissues and her niece, who lay concealed beneath the covers. Disentangling the covers from atop her niece, Jenna shook her awake, asserting,  "Sev, Sev wake up, you're going to be late"

The fair-haired young woman emitted a groan and turned to her side, gazing up at her aunt. "Go away" she muttered, attempting to reclaim the protective embrace of the covers. However, Jenna remained resolute and unperturbed.

"No" she declared, firmly removing the covers from the girl's form. "You're going to be late for your appointment with the school counselor. Remember, we have a deal"

"Aunt J" Sevyn sighed, pulling the covers back up once more.  "I said i'm fine"

"Sevyn please" Jenna pleaded, forcefully removing the covers from the girl and being confronted with the distressing sight of blackened blood splattered about. "oh my god! what did you do?" Jenna gasped, pulling Sevyn towards her in concern.

Sevyn, bewildered, looked around, her confusion evident, unsure of the source or nature of the blackened blood. "What?""

— .•☆: *.☽. * :☆ •. —

Sevyn sat in the office of the Guidance Counselor, her gaze fixed upon the woman seated before her, animosity emanating from her countenance. "You're not even french are you?"

"French-Canadian" the lady admitted

"Which means you're a Canadian... who speaks French." the girl sermonized. "And, seeing as I'm placing my mental health in your hands, how about you tell me what, as a French teacher, qualifies you to be a guidance counselor?"

Ms. Marin sighed, placing her hands before her, fully aware of the arduous task that lay ahead. "I have a master's in behavioral psychology and have done over three-hundred hours of field work."

"Hm. Ç'est va bien" Sevyn responded, acknowledging the lady's credentials.

"If you're really fine, what are you doing here?" The counselor inquired, unyielding in her determination to establish a connection with the girl, by any means necessary.

"I am merely appeasing my aunt, to prevent her from consigning me to a psychiatric facility," Sevyn bluntly disclosed, sighing as she reclined in her seat.

"Have you talked to your friends about what happened to you?"

"Oh yea they're great" she sarcastically remarked, recounting her futile attempt to discuss the matter with Allison, who promptly dismissed her concerns, emphasizing her preoccupation with personal troubles. The only person who lent a listening ear was Lydia, but their shared experiences accounted for this. "Totally supportive"

"Do you trust them?"

"I trust Lydia" she clarified, as her words rang true. At present, Lydia was the sole recipient of her trust, while the rest were merely concealing truths.

"Good. But still, be cautious." Ms, Marin reminded her

"Oh trust.... I am"

— .•☆: *.☽. * :☆ •. —

As game night commenced, Sevyn, fulfilling her role as the team manager, attended the games, as per the mandatory requirement.

"Come on, is that thing even a teenager? I wanna see a birth certificate!" Coach boisterously exclaimed upon observing a player from the opposing team.  "Who or what is that genetic experiment gone wrong?"

"Eddie Abramovitz, Coach. They call him "The Abomination."" Sevyn informed him, having conducted thorough research to ensure awareness of their adversaries at all times.

"oh that's cute"

— .•☆: *.☽. * :☆ •. —

Sevyn watched with concern as one of their teammates was carried off on a stretcher, having sustained a leg injury, leaving them one player short.

"Coach were one player short" she whispered to him

"Where is Stilinski? Where is Stilinski?" the coach urgently inquired, scanning the surroundings before spotting Boyd in the bleachers. "You!" he pointed towards him. "Do you play lacrosse?"

Boyd stood up and nonchalantly shrugged off his jacket. "Oh, hahaha! We got ourselves a player!"

Boyd made his way down, and Sevyn handed him a jersey. He swiftly donned it, and Sevyn applauded in approval.

"Go knock 'em dead boyd!" she exclaimed, patting him on the back. The young man smiled at her and dashed onto the field.

"The bigger they are-" the coach began, raising his fist in the air, "The bigger they are!"

— .•☆: *.☽. * :☆ •. —

Sevyn observed events unfold before her eyes, perplexed by Scott's fall and subsequent injury, only to witness him emerge unscathed when attended to by concerned onlookers. Despite her confusion, she brushed it off as inconsequential.

As the game concluded, Sevyn strode towards her vehicle when someone accidentally bumped into her. "Hey!" she called out to them.

"I'm so sorry" he said, promptly retrieving her fallen purse from the ground and returning it to her. "I'm Dylan"

Sevyn emitted a noncommittal hum and extended her hand. "Sevyn" He shook her hand, and she continued, "I'm sorry i've never seen you before?"

"Oh i'm new, I transferred" he disclosed.

"Ah, I see. Well, allow me to extend a warm welcome to Beacon Hills Highschool," she stated, proceeding to walk away and towards her car.

Dylan watched as she departed, before finding himself abruptly lifted up, only to face a drenched Derek. "Where have you been?" Derek seethed at him.

"I was sleep?" he told Derek sheepishly.

INNOCENT • Issac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now