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Sevyn meandered through the cafeteria, scanning the room in search of Lydia or Jackson

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Sevyn meandered through the cafeteria, scanning the room in search of Lydia or Jackson. Alas, her efforts proved fruitless as they were likely off making out somewhere, so she continued her aimless wanderings, seeking a suitable place to sit.

Her gaze fell upon a solitary boy at a nearby table, prompting her to approach and take a seat across from him. When he looked up and locked eyes with her, his expression resembled that of a startled deer caught in the glare of headlights.

Sevyn acknowledged his gaze with a smile and inquired, "What?" she asked "Do I have something on my face?" She emitted a soft chuckle, while the boy merely shook his head and averted his gaze, fixating on his tray.

"Oh, I'm sorry, this is so rude of me" she commenced, "Is it fine if I sit here?" she asked the boy and he merely nodded Her question was met with a simple nod from the boy. "A man of few words, I like that. My name is Sevyn," she introduced herself.

"Yeah, I know," he mumbled, avoiding eye contact. "I'm-" he began, but his words were abruptly cut off by Sevyn.

"I know who you are 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘥" she confidently stated, causing him to look at her in surprise. He could hardly fathom the fact that Sevyn Sloan knew who he was.

"How?" he managed to utter, still in a state of disbelief.

"Well, it is my job to know all the under dogs. someone has to stick up for them and who better to do than me?"

"But I thought you picked on kids like me?" he queried, his confusion evident.

"Oh god no I would never, However, those who torment kids like you are the ones that I oppose," she stated softly, revealing her disdain for bullies. Although Lydia and Jackson may fall into that category, Sevyn would swiftly intervene and defend the targeted individuals whenever she witnessed such behavior.

Sevyn was snapped out of her reverie when she felt someone grasp her arm. Looking up, she found Lydia standing there, wearing a peculiar expression as her gaze alternated between Sevyn and the boy, Boyd. It was as if she were silently questioning why Sevyn had chosen to sit with him.

"Well boyd" Sevyn said, gathering her belongings, "It seems our time has been cut short and I have to go, but we should definitely try this again sometimes!" With those parting words, she and Lydia walked away.

Externally, Boyd appeared composed and collected, but internally, he trembled with awe, still astounded by the fact that he had shared a meal with none other than Sevyn Sloan.

— .•☆: *.☽. * :☆ •. —

As Lydia and Sevyn traversed the school hallways, they spotted a girl standing by the lockers, appearing utterly lost. They made their way towards her.

"That jacket is absolutely killer. Where'd you get it?" Lydia inquired, capturing the girl's attention.

"My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco." the girl responded, prompting a satisfied hum from Sevyn.

"And you are our new best friend" Sevyn declared, linking her arm with the girl's. Jackson approached, exchanging greetings with Lydia, or rather engaging in a passionate embrace. "What's your name?" Sevyn asked her.

"Oh, I'm Allison"

"Can someone tell me how new girl all of five minutes is here, and she's already hanging out with Sevyn and Lydias clique?" a dark-skinned girl asked, approaching Stiles and Scott, who were not far from the group.

"Because she's hot" Stiles sighed "Beautiful people herd together"

"So, this weekend" Lydia began "There's a party."

"A party?" Allison questioned.

"Yea Friday night, you should come" Jackson invited the brunette, who appeared immensely uncomfortable.

"Uh I can't, it's family night this Friday, thanks for asking" she lied, and Sevyn discerned the falsehood in her tone.

"Are you sure?" Sevyn inquired, redirecting their focus to the blonde girl. "everyone's going after the scrimmage."

"Like Football?"Allison asked innocently.

Jackson and Sevyn burst into laughter at the mention of football. "No" they replied in unison.

"Football is quite a joke here in Beacon Hills. Our sport of choice is lacrosse," Sevyn began, emphasizing the local preference.

"We've won the state championship for the past three years" Jackson added.

"Because of a certain team captain and an amazing manager" Lydia said alluding to Jackson as the team captain, and acknowledging Sevyn as an exceptional manager.

"Well, we have practice in a few minutes. That is, if you don't have anywhere else-" Jackson suggested to the still uneasy Allison, who remained linked to Sevyn.

"Well, I was going to-" she began to fabricate an excuse, but Sevyn swiftly interrupted.

"Perfect you're coming" Sevyn declared, pulling Allison along toward the lacrosse field to observe the tryouts.

— .•☆: *.☽. * :☆ •. —

"Who is that?" Allison inquired, her gaze fixed on Scott, who stood on the field.

"Oh, that's Scott, why do you ask?" Sevyn questioned.

"He's in my English class" Allison mumbled her response. "He seems like he's really good."

"Oh, very good" Lydia responded, closely observing Scott's performance.

"What's your names again?" Allison realized, realizing she had not yet obtained their names.

"I'm Lydia and that's Sevyn" Lydia introduced them both, relishing the opportunity.

"Like the number?" Allison asked, referring to Sevyn's name.

"Yea I guess but spelled S-e-v-y-n or you can call me sev or sevy-" Sevyn began to explain, but Lydia interjected, cutting her off.

"No just call her Sev, Sevy is off limits" Lydia glared at Allison, offended by the mere suggestion of allowing someone else to call Sevyn by that nickname.

Allison just nodded uncontrollably and refocused her attention on the lacrosse field. Sevyn rolled her eyes at Lydia's possessiveness and directed her full attention to the tryouts. From that point on, silence enveloped the group, and no further conversation took place.

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