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Sevyn was sitting in the backseat of Jackson's convertible with Lydia in the passenger seat and Jackson in the driver's seat

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Sevyn was sitting in the backseat of Jackson's convertible with Lydia in the passenger seat and Jackson in the driver's seat. Lydia had convinced Sevyn to tag along with them to her house to watch a movie, as Sevyn had missed a party. Sevyn watched as Jackson and Lydia argued about which movie to watch, with Jackson defending "Hoosiers" as the best basketball and sports movie ever made. However, Lydia simply disagreed. Frustrated, Jackson refused to watch "The Notebook" again, which the girls had already seen many times before.

Seconds later, Jackson went into the video store to find "The Notebook" while the girls waited in the car. Suddenly, something jumped onto the car, causing it to shake and the girls to scream in terror. Sevyn opened the car door and got out, with Lydia following suit.

Moments later, the video store parking lot was filled with police cars and an ambulance.

"Why the hell can't I just go home? I'm fine." Jackson told The Sheriff very irritated

"I hear ya, but the EMT says you hit your head pretty hard. They just wanna make sure you don't have a concussion." He said simply not having the energy to argue with the teenage boy

"What part of "I'm fine" are you having a problem grasping?" Jackson said getting even more irritated than before "Okay, I want to go home."

"And I understand that-" the Sheriff said again before getting cut off by Jackson

"No, you don't understand that, which kind of blows my mind, since it should be a pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum-wage rent-a-cop like you! Okay, now, I want to go home!"

Jackson was starting to get on Sevyns nerves and she rolled her eyes at the boy before speaking up "Jackson shut the fuck up and let him talk, you're so rude"

Sheriff turned his attention to the blonde girl and gave her a grateful smile "How are you feeling Sevyn?" he asked her gently, he was worried about the girl and wanted to make sure she was okay, The girl was like a daughter to him and he wanted to make sure she was safe at all times

"Oh i'm fine Sheriff, just a scrape on the arm, but other than that i'm good!" she told him but to tell the truth she was in shock and terrified

"Oh, whoa! Is that a dead body?" Stiles spoke up making everyone turn and look

"Everybody back up. Back up."

— .•☆: *.☽. * :☆ •. —

At the Sloan household, Sevyn heard a knock on her door. Thinking it was Jenna, she yelled for her to go away.

"Not Jenna" a voice said which made her look up and be met with a blonde haired girl

"oh Erica" she smiled "what are you doing here?" she asked confused "aren't you supposed to be at school?"

"I had a um... a free period and I wanted to check on you" she said nervously

"oh, okay" she said a little dazed, Lydia had gave her something to 'ease her nerves' and she took it immediately "why?"

"Because I was worried about you today and wanted to know if you were okay" she said looking down at her feet "maybe this was a bad idea" she said starting to leave

"No!" Sevyn stopped her "Thank you for checking on me I really do appreciate it Erica" she smiled with her eyes closed

"How are you feeling?" Erica asked her

"I feel..." Sevyn slurred "Amazing"

"Well I bet you can't say Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers ten times fast" Erica challenged the girl as she sat next to her

"Peter pepper... Peter pecker... Petter..." Sevyn slurred off then pursed her lips and sighed in a sign of giving up and laid back down "Erica I saw something"

Erica turned to the girl interested wanting to know what what she saw "Saw what?"


"Something like what?"

"Like a mountain lion" she spat out "But bigger?"

"Sev are you sure you saw a mountain lion or are you just saying you saw one because that's what they're telling you, you saw?" Erica asked the girl worriedly

"A mountain Lion" The girl said dazed

Erica looked over at the girls nightstand and saw an alcohol bottle

"A mountain lion..." Sevyn finished before going into a deep slumber

"Oh you're drunk" Realizing that Sevyn was drunk, Erica covered her with the covers and left the room.

INNOCENT • Issac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now