Chapter [10]

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The entire ride back to the house felt like an eternity. Roman didn't feel any different, and frankly, he didn't understand if that was good or bad. Did he manage to get all the blood out of his mouth?

  Roman would find himself looking over at Beau, who was already watching him. Roman rolled his eyes in response. Thankfully, their awkward ride stopped when they pulled into the driveway and up towards the back.

  Once they parked, Roman reached for the door, but a hand grabbed his wrist, stopping him. Roman snapped his head to him, glaring.

  "What will you do if you are a vampire?" He asked. "Will you keep on living your life after your debt with us is paid?"

  Roman sat back down, snatching his wrist back. He folded his arms across his chest, looking Beau in the eyes. "Why do you care? It's not like I'm of any concern to you other than bait."

  Beau sighed. "Living as a vampire will not be an easy feat. Especially if you kill someone, we would have to come after you." Beau leaned forward, putting elbows to his knees, resting his chin on his hands.

  Roman smirked. "Just curious," he started. "Can I die from a werewolf bite?"

  Beau shook his head. "No, but you can be gravely injured by us."

  "I see," Roman leaned forward, closer to Beau. "Can werewolves die by a vampire bite?"

  Beau sat back, eyeing Roman skeptically. "No," Beau quizzically lowered his voice. "Why are you asking?"

  Roman got down on his knees and crawled over to Beau's side of the limo until he was leaning against Beau's legs. Beau did not look amused.

  "Let's make a deal. A new deal." Roman leaned against Beaus leg, running a hand up Beaus thigh, stopping just shy of his hips.

  Beau raised a brow, amusement filtering his face. "Oh? And what deal may that be?"

  "Let's say I do become a vampire, then I'll most likely be by your side 24/7, right?" Beau nodded. "I know that, so here's the thing, I require sexual intimacy regularly. It's just part of who I am. I get irritated and lash out when I'm sexually frustrated."

  Beau leaned forward, nearing inches from Roman's face. "So you want to have sex with me?"

  With the question now out there, Roman felt satisfaction fill him. He smiled, leaning up a bit more so their breaths intertwined with each other. "I'm not saying it has to be with you, I'm just stating a fact."

  Beau scoffed. "You always find ways to piss me off, you little shit."

  Roman shrugged. "It's my default setting."

  Beau sighed, defeated at his own game. He leaned back against the car and ran his hand through his hair. "Any other terms?"

  "Just one more." He fell back on his butt, scooting away from Beau until his back hit the other seat. "When this is all over and we kill Trev, I want plane tickets to South Korea and a place to live."

  Beau's face becomes unreadable, something Roman has never seen on the man's face. "Fine by me." He reached over at the door and opened it. "If you aren't a vampire, you will return to being bait and being escorted by Vy and Lana. If you are a vampire, prepare to be sick of me."

  Roman nodded, stepping out of the limo with Beau following shortly behind. They walked into the house and immediately went to the door where Cassius was currently being held.

  Upon entering, Cassius already had a knowing smile on his face. "Ah, so the outcome of your fate dwindles to 2."

  Roman paused, lifting a brow. "What?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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