Chapter {2}

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Roman shoved Trev off of him, kicking him in the gut. He grabbed a hold of his side, crawling over to the small couch to help himself up off the floor. Hands grabbed his jacket and turned him around, slamming him against the couch. Roman looked up to see Trev, his elbow pressed roughly against Roman's neck.

"Sorry, but Scarlet needs someone to take the blame for this and you were the perfect bait." Trev smirked, removing his hand he bent down to Roman's ear. "In this establishment, it's looked down upon to have a mark by someone of my stature. Good luck getting help." Trev whispered.

"What?" Roman asked, his voice raspy.

Trev lifted his chin with strength Roman didn't think Trev had before a sharp pain pinched against his neck. It was quick but it hurt like a bitch. Trev pulled away and disappeared just as fast.

Finally alone, Roman tried to flush through his thoughts, going through everything that just happened within the past 5 minutes. He went to sit up, but hissed at the pain in his side. Looking down at the dark color his tux now was, he cursed, pressing his hand to the wound.

"Fuck." He stood to his feet, stumbling over to the door and grabbing for the wall to steady himself.

"What the hell?!" A voice snapped.

Roman looked at the door and wasn't at all surprised to see Merlin standing there with shock as he surveyed the area. Roman smirked. "The bitch you're looking for ran that way." Roman groaned out, pointing to the end of the hall.

Merlin seemed to notice him for the first time and his face said it all. Merlin stepped forward, seeing Roman barely able to stand. He offered a hand. Roman obliged, throwing his arm over Merlin's shoulder and leaned against him.

"What happened in here?" Merlin asked, helping to guide Roman out if the room.

Roman hissed, "well that fucking bastard lied to me and... killed that man. When I tried to intervene he stabbed me." Roman explained as they took a turn to the main floor that held the same people, only this time the disco lights and music were now off and they were staring at him.

Roman flashed a smirk, lifting his bloody hand to his head and saluting them. "Fellas," was all he said as Merlin continued to carry him towards an employees-only area.

A staff member opened the door for them as they shuffled inside and towards a break area. Merlin slammed against it, causing Roman to scream out in pain before he was thrown to a very hard sofa.

"That wasn't very nice." Roman mumbled.

"Im not in a very nice mood." He snapped.

Roman slowly fixed himself into a sitting position. "I can.. tell."

Merlin closed the door, grabbed the small box that hung on the wall, and placed it on the counter. He took off his blazer and rolled up his sleeves, grabbing a seat and scooting it closer. He sat down and gently started untucking Roman's shirt. Roman shifted into the couch, trying to help Merlin better get to his stomach. Once the cut was exposed Roman sighed a relief.

"Doesn't look deep," Roman commented. "Thats good, right?"

Merlin shrugged, reaching for some towels. "Depends on if it stabbed anything important or not." Merlin started wiping the wound, causing Roman to flinch. "What happened? And tell me the truth."

Roman glared at his bloody hands, flashes of the night coming back to him. "Well, if it weren't obvious by now, we weren't apart of this club in the first place-"

"I picked up on that the moment you both stepped in." Merlin snapped. "But please continue."

Roman chuckled. "Well Trev that's his real name, is part of the Scarlets Gang and I just... thought we were coming to crash this joint. I didn't know he had these intentions."

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