Chapter {4}

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Many things Roman has done in his lifetime, such as rob convenience stores, steal cars, get into fist fights, spend a total of 2 years in juvenile detention, and do some dirty work for Scarlet. He never imagined himself sitting in a limo with a hot chick drinking a glass of fancy wine that he didn't much care for.

Almost overnight, he's done more fancy shit than he has in his whole life. Slept in a fancy room and got a limitless spending card like he was in a lifetime movie. But he didn't mind. For the first time in his life, he could buy anything he wanted without looking at the price, and that felt like a heavenly subject for someone who grew up in poverty.

"You're like an excitable child when you stare out the window like that." Lana teased.

Roman shrugged, leaning back into the seat. "It's my first time in the rich part of downtown. Growing up poor, I never dared to step foot for fear I'd get arrested." Roman voiced.

Lana shrugged. "I guess I can see that, though with your looks even in a fancy uniform, still give off troubling vibes. I think it's the many piercings, tattoos, and the overgrown buzzcut accompanied by bruises that give you away. Not many rich folks down here have tattoos and piercings."

Roman shrugged. "Can't be helped. I'll never rid myself of these. Those stuck-up bastards can stare all they want." He looked over at Lana for a few seconds before leaning forward. "So, do I get the pleasure of finding out more about you?"

Lana took a sip, throwing one leg over the other. "I'm 28, I live in division 2 housing of Opal Rose with my wife. I have 2 children named Oliver and Beck. I'm Opal rose' bodyguard and I'm a Beta." She explained, taking another sip.

Roman kicked back in his seat, looking at her in a new light, but he couldn't really get over what she had said. "Whats a Beta?" He asked.

Lana snickered. "Beau didn't really give you the insight, did he?"

"Nope. He gave me a tracker and a credit card and sent me on my way." Roman placed the empty glass on the mounted shelf before resting his hands against his knees.

Lana looked to be contemplating something before settling on a course. Placing her half empty glass down too, she folded her arms and shifted into a more comfortable position. "Im not surprised. Beau is rarely capable of holding a conversation for longer than 5 minutes," she mumbled. "I'll give you the crash course for now since we have time. Once the day is over and you want more information, I live in the 4th door on the right side of the hallway. Do come any time after 9 when the kids are put to bed."

Roman nodded. "Duly noted, so what information are you giving me?"

"Let's start with hierarchy. I'm sure you understand vampires, considering the mark on your neck." With that said, Roman slapped his neck instinctively, feeling the bumps. He never really noticed it before, but now that she pointed it out, it was obvious. Lana continued. "Opal Rose is one of, if not the biggest werewolf clan in all of America. We operate under the noses of humans and act as gangs to hide our true nature. Within clans, there are designations. The rarest being Lycan's."

"So... all of Opal Rose are... werewolves?" Roman asked, uncertain about how he felt with this information.

"Correct," Lana sat forward, holding up fingers as she continued. "Alpha, Beta, Omega, and Lycans are all that exist in the hierarchy. Alpha's are born to lead and are the 2nd strongest among us. Beta's are your normal stature most are born with. Omega's are the poverty of werewolves. Though some get out of that stereotype, most are treated like trash. Mainly because they have needy tendencies and are prone to be much more violent to anyone they get attached to due to a lack of hormone control."

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