Chapter (5)

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Back at the house, he gave Lana the credit card before retiring to the guest room that was now his. All he did was put things away and changed into clothes that better suited him. He chose a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a black ripped at the neck t-shirt. Once more comfortable, he decided to put on some t.v and relax. He didn't expect much to happen, but boy, was he wrong.

About an episode and a half into whatever he had chosen on Netflix, he heard a crash out in the hall that startled him. Jumping out of bed, Roman ran to the door, opening it just in time to see someone be thrown into a wall between 2 doors.

Roman leaned against the door with his arms crossed and an amused smirk. The man on the floor had a Greek god body, chiseled with blonde hair and blue eyes. Though it took Roman a moment to register, they were blue since the man was on the floor groaning. He looked over at who had thrown him, and it was a man about the same height as him with more of a dad bod. He had a gray frilly beard and a baseball cap. He looked muscular but also looked like a trucker who's drank a lot of beer in his life.

"Next time you do that, Zip, it's your fucking face!" Shouted the gritty voice of the older man.

"It was a joke, Travis! Fucking calm down!" Groaned out Zip.

The man now known as Travis spat in Zip's direction before turning towards the red door and exiting the hall. Roman looked down at Zip who was making little effort to sit up.

"Fucking bastard," Zip groaned out.

Roman stepped forward, holding out a hand towards Zip. He looked at it then at Roman with a questioning look. He scoffed, slapping Roman's hand away.

"Who the fuck are you?" He snapped, stumbling to get onto his feet.

Roman folded his arms, smirking. "Roman King. The newest member in this little gang y'all got."

He looked visibly confused for a moment but that switched to anger just as quickly. "Beau didn't tell me anything about your stupid ass. Who are you really?" He shoved Roman, who stumbled slightly. Roman flinched at the pain in his side from the stab he received. Trying to act tough with the wound, there was becoming harder with all he's done today.

Roman shoved him back, watching him stumble back into the hallway. "Want your ass on the floor again, fucknut?" Roman snapped.

Zip chuckled darkly, taking long strides towards Roman with clear intent to punch him. Roman saw this from a mile away and put his fists up to block his face. Roman was ready for a fight.

"What the hell is going on here?" That voice belonged to Beau.

Roman peaked over at the door, not at all surprised to see Beau in a black and gray suit. His eyes holding anger towards Zip.

Roman dropped his hands and shrugged. "He started it," he mumbled, walking over to the bed and plopping down gracefully, taking pride at the anger boiling in Zip's eyes.

Beau sighed, exhaustion in his stance. "You've been home for 20 minutes, Zip and you've started 2 fights already?"

Zip flared his nostrils, turning his attention to Beau. "What is this fucker doing here?" He seethes.

"He's helping us take down Scarlet. Now, why don't you go talk to Becks about your mission." Beau's voice rose with a dark, commanding tone. Roman instantly saw that Zip's shoulders deflated and his head dropped slightly. He walked out of the room, not bothering with any more words.

Roman grabbed his side that started twitching and cramping angrily against the bandage. No matter how much it hurt, Roman wasn't going to give Beau the satisfaction of seeing him in pain.

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