Chapter {6}

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By the time 9 o'clock rolled around, Roman was ready in one of his new outfits he had bought earlier in the day. He made his way to the car with Lana's help of directing him until he came across a limo that had Beau standing outside of it on the phone. He was in a nice gray suit that hugged every nook and cranny on this man's gorgeous body. Roman couldn't tell if it was his wolf genes that made Beau so... muscular or if it was a workout regimen that Roman needed asap.

Roman is built, but he's also got some leanness to him. Not at all jacked like Beau was who looked like a manwha character come to life. Roman laughed at his comparison, considering how accurate Beau looked to his description.

Roman approached Beau, hearing the last bit of his phone conversation, which wasn't anything but a sincere goodbye.

"Girlfriend problems?" Roman teased.

"Bold of you to assume it is a woman." Beau shot back, opening the door for Roman to get in.

"So there is a chance for me to climb?" Roman flirted, wiggling his eyebrows at Beau.

Beau smirked. "Let's reign in the flirty talk. We are here on business. Get in."

"Ooh, so demanding. That's hot." Roman ran a finger across Beaus pecks as he slid into the limo.

He took a seat on the other side, turning to face Beau, who was closing the door. He signaled for the driver to go. Once in motion, he reached for the folder that was hanging on the wall. He handed it over to Roman, who took.

"The man we are going to meet is from Scarlet. He's within Trevor's inner circle. I'm sure you're familiar with him." Beau reiterated exactly what Roman was reading.

Roman lifted the first paper to see a face he wouldn't forget. It was Moe, Trev's right-hand man. Roman groaned, slamming his back against the leather seats.

"You've got to be kidding me." Roman grumbled. "Can't I get a break?"

"It's vital that you be the first one he sees. You're human, and he knows your face. It's the perfect mask for us werewolves." Beau explained, fixing the collar on his shirt.

"So I'm bait." Roman deadpanned. "And to think I was starting to like you guys."

Beau shrugged. "Think of it as you may, but it will give us an advantage."

"If you think about it, you are whoring me out. If more than one bites me that is." Roman tossed the folder to his side, carelessly. "Might as well call you pimp daddy."

"Don't call me that." Beau cringed, folding his arms. "No one will bite you. Not with us there."

Roman knitted his eyebrows at that. "Us?"

"I have Arik and Vy watching the meet point. Arik is our designated sniper with wooden bullets." Beau explained.

This information, made Roman pale. The mention of a "designated sniper" sat wrong in his stomach. He scoffed in disbelief.

"Woah, woah, woah, wait a minute. Let's back it up here. Are you saying you have a designated sniper for... killing people?" He asked.

Beau nodded.

Roman shook his head, now unsure if he even wanted to stay near this group of people. "You're murdering people?"

Beau smirked with a darker tinge to his face than normal. Roman felt unsettled at the notion that Beau enjoyed his horrified reaction.

"We are a gang, Roman. What did you think happens when you join a gang?" Beau ran a hand through his hair. "We aren't killing people. We are killing vampires. There's a difference."

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