Chapter {1}

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Growing up in a family that doesn't care that you existed isn't what any child should go through. But Roman did. His mother, after having him, turned to meth and heroin for comfort since his father is an absolute alcoholic piece of shit. Abusive doesn't even cover him, but it's the only word that pops up when Roman thinks of his father. Ever since he was young his father has verbally, physically, and mentally assaulted him and his mother whenever he is drunk, which unsurprisingly was all the time.

When Roman reached 14, he fought back against his father which did lessen the abuse a bit, but didn't stop the shouting matches every Saturday. Growing up in such a toxic environment, Roman barely paid attention in school and dropped out at 10th grade, deciding to instead roam the streets and be a delinquent with his pack of friends.

Now at the age of 24, he is barely home and instead runs the street wreaking havoc, getting piercings and tattoos as well as stealing and picking fights. This has been his life for the past 10 years and nothing was going to change it.

Or so he thought.

It all started one fateful September Night. Roman was bored at home on a Friday, hiding from his parents in his room when a knock on his window startled him from his phone. Looking over, he spotted his best friend Aj standing on the fire escape.

Roman smirked, rolling in his bed towards the window, getting to his knees, he unlocked it, prying it open. "What's with the house call?" Roman asked, leaning against the window sill.

Aj smirked, falling back on his ass, dangling his foot over the ladder. "Trev wants to crash this pompous bar downtown. You in?" He asks, running a hand through his long blonde hair.

Roman grinned, devilishly. "Fuck yeah, let me get dressed, I'll be down in a min."

Aj nodded, starting to go back down the fire escape. Roman rolled off his bed, and grabbed a pair of baggy white-washed blue jeans and a somewhat clean baggy black shirt. He reached for his black and white puffy jacket, careful not to hurt his newly tattooed inner bicep. He put on a pair of black worn boots and stepped out into the hall towards the bathroom.

He flipped the light on, looking in the mirror, fixing his outgrown buzzcut and his lip rings. He grimaced at the still-healing bruise just below his eye, and grabbed for some toothpaste, brushing his teeth lazily, before feeling refreshed.

He put some cologne on, turned and left the bathroom. Grabbing his keys, wallet, and phone, he ran for the front door of the small apartment, passing his drugged-up mom sprawled out on the couch and his drunk father curled on the opposite end.

Roman pulled his hood up, ran to the door, and opened it as fast as he could, not wanting to risk his father catching him as he left. Successful with his escape, he ran down the stairs with his hands shoved into his pockets, bursting outside.

Aj was leaning against an older modeled car that Roman didn't recognize. He chuckled, grabbed a hold of Aj's hand and bumped shoulders with him.

"Damn, Aj. Where'd you pick up the new wheels?" Roman inquired, running his fingers across the trunk.

"Found him in the old apartments down on the state. It looked lonely, so I decided to keep it company." Aj turned to face Roman, squinting his eyes to lessen the brightness of the sunset.

"What Bar does Trev wanna crash?" Roman asked, leaning against the trunk.

Aj smiled. "Lunacia."

Roman couldn't help the laughter that sprang from his throat, shaking his head. Lunacia was the most Elegant and expensive place in the area. It was formal wear only and needed reservations to get in. But it also made the idea of breaking in that much more enticing.

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