Her Own Journey

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With first action is to take down the Cult of Diablos that stationed in the empire, Lua take it very serious because he wanted them to begone from his home country. Along with his allies, the cleansing activity in the empire is going smoothly without giving the cult any chance of recovering. And because of Lua, the numbers of demonic possession children in the empire have descrease rapidly.

(Royal Palace)

In the afternoon, everything in the palace is moving around finely like usual.


And at the kitchen, Lua and Nidae are cooking. To Nidae's surprise, Lua created a large long rectangular pan wish for some basic ingredients. Both of them wearing apron.

Lua: All right! Time to make some food!

Nidae: I am sorry for interrupting, sire. But what are we going to make with these?

Lua: Meat pancake!

Nidae: Meat pancake?

Lua: *in mind* To be exact, it was okonomiyaki. I really wanted to eat it, but I was sick so I can't eat anything I wanted. Since that name is unknown, I decide to name it as "meat pancake"! And I think it is a good thing to share with everyone!

Nidae: If you wish to try new things, it is fine to tell everyone and let them think of it.

Lua: That's my plan to begin with!

Then they start cooking. Nidae start frying some chicken meat before set them away to cool down, with Lua mix up some flour with water, egg and dashi mix that he made his own. After done with the batter, Lua mix up some chopped cabbage, bean sprouts and the chicken meat into the batter before he use the large spoon and put the batter into the pan with some oil ready in the heat. Then they start cooking the food, adding some bacon into the food and turning it to each side depend on the time. But not just one, Lua and Nidae make quite many of it. After done, Lua put the freshly cooked meat pancake onto a large plate.

Lua: It is done! Meat pancake!

Lua: It is done! Meat pancake!

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Nidae: Ohh, it looks nice.

Lua: And now for the taste.

He take a spoon and cut a bit of the meat pancake, before take a bite of it. When Lua just take one bite, he is filled with bliss.

Lua: Ahhh! This is it! This is what I really wanted it to feel like!

Nidae: *take a bite* It is good.

Lua: Let's have others eat it, too. That is why I make so many so others can have a taste of it!

Nidae: That is a good idea, your majesty. You think ahead so much for your people.

Lua: That is why I wanted to be the emperor that people can rely on. Not just from our country, but from other kingdom too.

Nidae: You think so much ahead just like your father.

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