Chapter 38 - What's in a name?

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It's late afternoon and Rhea has finished her work for the day. After a few short stops along the way, for the first time she sets foot in the well-known Training Center, located on the City Circle directly opposite the Victory Tower.

It's the third day of training. She stays in daily contact with Finnick, at least via occasional text messages. He has a lot to do, but still finds the time to let her know what he's up to now and then.

Her visit here was a rather spontaneous decision after an appointment Finnick hadn't further specified was apparently canceled at short notice, opening up a small gap in his schedule.

Rhea isn't sure what exactly she was expecting. She probably thought it would be comparable to the environment she knows from the Victory Building, but it's not. It is even more sterile, even colder, even more unwelcoming and somehow makes you feel very small.

The building is mostly a combination of gray stone and glass. Even the elevators here are completely transparent, which sends a shiver down her spine as she watches the floor beneath her feet move away from her at breakneck speed.

Rhea is relieved when the infernal vehicle finally stops on the fourth floor. She releases her hand from the metal handle she has been unconsciously clinging to and as soon as she steps onto the floor, it is clear that the design continues here. The dark walls make the large dining and living area feel smaller and somewhat oppressive, even though the rooms are actually very large.

The furnishings and decor are obviously inspired by District 4, but don't really manage to lighten up the atmosphere. In fact, most of it seems out of place. You immediately notice that they have tried to turn the space into something that it really isn't, to convey a false sense of home.

As she looks curiously at her surroundings, she hears someone come into the room behind her. Finnick comes hurrying out of one of the corridors at a quick pace. He looks a little disheveled, as if he has just gotten out of bed. When he sees her, he looks briefly surprised, as if he has forgotten that she wanted to check on him.

"Sorry, were you waiting? I didn't know you were already here. I kind of dozed off for a moment," he murmurs, rubbing his eyes. Yesterday he was busy late into the night again, which is now taking its toll. He was not planning to let sleep get the better of him in the middle of the day, because afterwards he is always even more tired than he already is. But then he lost the battle after all, until he woke up just now on a rather stiff and uncomfortable récamière.

In contrast to last time, Rhea can clearly see his exhaustion today. He's wearing a rather rumpled plain shirt, and she can see the dark circles under his eyes. Apparently, the stylists haven't gotten around to making his tiredness disappear under his make-up yet.

"No, I've only just arrived. But maybe you'd better lie down again, you seem to need it," she replies worriedly.

Finnick runs his fingers through his tousled hair. "I can't. I still have appointments. Maybe later."

"When was the last time you slept for at least eight hours straight? Because you should," she asks him. "Or is it your problems with falling asleep again? We can try something else if what I've got for you isn't working."

"No, that's not it," he replies quietly. His voice sounds a little raspy. "I just don't get around to it. Even if there were twice as many hours in the day, it probably wouldn't be enough."

Rhea sighs and looks at him sadly. "I'm sorry I can't do more." If it were just about his usual schedule, she would happily discuss it with Donna until she could give him some breathing room, but Finnick insists that every current meeting has a major impact on the Games.

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