Chapter 37 - The world of a victor

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There's remarkably little work for her and her team during the Games, although it's actually not that surprising considering that half the Capitol will be spending 24 hours a day in front of a screen from now on. Last year she was already bored in her office during the Games and this year Hadrian will be there too.

The two of them have therefore agreed to reduce their working hours during this time and take turns in the office. It would be completely unnecessary for the two of them to sit around all day waiting for patients who don't show up.

That's why Rhea now spends most of her days in her practice in the South Quarter, together with Tarek. The following day, she watches the tribute parade from Lucia's pub again, as there is nothing to do here around midday either. After all, the people here can't afford to simply not work for a few weeks and despite the Games, life goes on as usual.

As every year, one can watch the lambs being led to the slaughter, a spectacle for the crowds in Capitol, a mockery for the districts. The true horror is well hidden beneath the dazzling fabrics of the costumes, sparkling accessories and thick layers of colorful makeup. This is how things are done in the Capitol, everything unpleasant that you don't want to deal with is covered up with pomp so that you can no longer see it.

The costumes are as unoriginal as every year, some of the tributes look almost ridiculous. Considering the importance of fashion in this city, the reputation of famous designers and how many of them there are, you'd think they'd have more than enough creativity to at least not let the kids embarrass themselves in front of the whole country.

But no, it's no better than usual. What is visually experienced during the parade can only be described as something close to a drug-induced hallucination, at least that's how Rhea imagines it. The dressed-up trees and animals in particular must be the product of a completely befuddled mind, unless it's a deliberate attempt to make the whole Capitol laugh.

Rhea tries not to get too caught up in it all. She concentrates on her work again, as best she can. Nevertheless, her thoughts keep wandering back to Finnick. He seemed to be coping to some extent, at least that was the impression he gave during their phone call. She had called out of pure concern and yet it took him less than two minutes to make her laugh again. It made her realize one more time how much she really likes talking to him, how easy it is.

This is another reason why she has been fighting the urge to do it again all day. In a way, she has the perfect excuse, but she knows that he will have a stressful day today as it is. She also plans to take him up on his offer and drop by as soon as possible. She knows that she won't have the patience to wait too long, so if she turns up at his door in person tomorrow, she wants to at least hold back today. Otherwise, it would really come across as too desperate, wouldn't it?

But the inner conflict doesn't let her go until Rhea is sitting on her sofa after dinner, staring at the screen of her phone. She wanted to be patient, but Finnick himself had asked her to let him know before she turned up. So, writing to him now to arrange a meeting for tomorrow would just be a matter of courtesy and therefore necessary, right? It would have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she couldn't hold back.

On the other hand, it would also be somehow insensitive to simply ask if he has taken care of everything so that she can finally ease her worries tomorrow. Especially since she knows that he must have had a hard day, that would be kind of selfish.

To text him or not to text him, that is the question. In the end, it's clear that there's no way she can do nothing, at least not if she wants to get a wink of sleep. A tricky situation. Or actually a ridiculous situation. How can it be so difficult to just casually send a text message? Thousands of people do it all day long without even thinking about it for a second. But Rhea hardly does anything without thinking about it, that seems to be the problem.

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