Chapter 20 - Green and Blue and White

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The next time Finnick comes to, it's to a hand gently shaking his shoulder. He can't really get rid of the drowsiness, especially since the last remnants of panic have now given way to relief.

"Wake up Finnick, we're here," he hears Rhea's soft voice.

Fighting his way out of bed is harder than he thought, but the certainty of being home soon propels him forward.

"Do you think you can walk if I help you? We just have to make it to the car and then we'll get you home," she asks as she helps him to get to his feet.

Finnick doesn't have the strength to pay attention to his pride anymore, so he willingly follows her as she wraps her arms around his middle, navigating him through the train and into the car waiting outside the station.

The Victors' Village is not far from the station, so the drive doesn't actually take long. Still, Finnick's eyes fall shut again after just a few minutes.

This doesn't escape Rhea's attention either, who hasn't taken her eyes off her patient the whole time. She is so tired by now that she would like to close her eyes herself.

Finally, Finnick loses the battle against the sleepiness. Rhea watches his head fall forward into an awkward position and she wrestles with herself for a moment before reaching for him. Careful not to disturb him, she pulls his upper body toward her and rests his head on her shoulder.

It feels a little too intimate, though at this point it doesn't matter. After everything that happened yesterday, she just wants to make sure he's okay. And besides, he's still so out of it that he barely notices anything.

She holds the sleeping victor securely in her arms as she watches the scenery fly by the window. By now it is early noon, and the sun is already high in the sky. As she stares at the horizon, she has to strain her eyes a bit, but finally recognizes the deep blue that stands out slightly against the bright sky.

It is curious how one can become a child again within an instant, in the face of blossoming curiosity. She sees the sea for the first time and notices how the excitement drives away the tiredness when she realizes that they are moving towards it.

Her eyes remain fixed on it until the car finally takes a turn and her vision is blocked. Her attention wanders to the beautiful wooden buildings lined up on either side of the road, spaced generously apart.

The sea is just beyond the village, which Rhea can clearly hear as she gets out of the car. She lays Finnick down in the back seat and decides to scope out the situation first.

There are flowers of various colors in the front yards and palm trees towering into the sky between the houses. Even though the road is paved, sand is everywhere, and in it a few shells can be found here and there as Rhea's eyes roam over the ground.

The driver seemed to know where to go after she gave him directions at the station, so she assumes the house they stop in front of must be Finnick's. She is admittedly impressed by the large beach house, painted in blue and white.

The wind plays with Rhea's hair but with the sun shining down on her, it's still not cold. On the contrary, she notices how she is getting warmer and warmer under her jacket. It is only the beginning of February and actually still winter, but Rhea takes off her jacket and ties it around her waist.

She decides to get her things out of the car first and puts them down next to the stairs leading up to the porch, which is also wooden. Then she stands in front of the car, somewhat clueless, and examines the sleeping form of Finnick in the back seat. She doesn't want to wake him up again and the driver doesn't seem particularly motivated to leave his place behind the wheel.

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