Chapter 12 - The young, the bright, the fair

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Rhea allows herself to sink onto the cold steps of the marble staircase that leads down to a massive greenhouse. They are somewhat removed from the hustle and bustle of the celebration and Rhea suddenly realizes again that it is early December and therefore winter. The air is suddenly icy cold and she freezes. Until just now, she had been warm despite her short-sleeved dress, even in the outdoor area of the celebration, no doubt due to the magic of the Capitol's advanced technology.

Unfortunately, she left her stole with her handbag at the reception in the custody of a staff member, so now she is out here exposed to the cold winter air without protection. At least briefly, until Oliver puts the jacket of his suit over her shoulders. She doesn't hesitate, but immediately puts her arms into the much too large sleeves. She sinks into the garment, but she doesn't care because it's nice and warm underneath.

Oliver watches his breath become visible as white puffs in the cold air as he lets out a deep sigh. He stares into the darkness of the unlit part of the garden and asks, "What the hell just happened?"

Rhea rubs her cold hands together. She really doesn't like the cold and is still sensitive to it, even after all these years. Her hands are always the first thing that bothers her, because they immediately become stiff when they get cold and are no longer of any use. This is, of course, particularly impractical for their work and not least the reason why it is always exceedingly warm in the office, even if some of her employees complain about it.

She raises her hands to her face and places them on her cheeks. The temperature difference is extreme, and Rhea notices that her face is probably still glowing, for which there could be several possible reasons. Is it because Finnick caught her staring at him, or because of the dance with him that she surprisingly almost enjoyed? Is it the fact that she had a real conversation with him for the first time? She feared as soon as she saw him that the evening would end in disaster, but instead she now feels as if she has met two completely different people. The Finnick Odair she danced with today is still a bit arrogant and far too sure of himself, but not in a pushy or unpleasant way. He made her laugh and it was genuine. She actually enjoyed being with him, at least until that battleaxe showed up. And there's the last possibility to explain Rhea's red head, she's pissed.

She doesn't even know the name of the woman who has been hostile to her out of nowhere, and that makes her even angrier. Judging by her words, the lady felt the same way, which is why Rhea had even less understanding. They've obviously never met and have had nothing else to do with each other, and yet this woman has the nerve to make such a comment. Rhea is not concerned with anyone criticizing her appearance. She couldn't care less about that, and it's nothing new, since she deliberately resists the trends in the Capitol. But this is about the way she talked to her, this unjustified disrespect and belittlement. If she hadn't been so overwhelmed with the sudden chaotic situation, Rhea would have given her a good talking to. The times when she could not afford to do that are long gone and she is definitely not afraid of these idiots.

"What exactly do you mean? Tonight one obscure situation follows the next," Rhea replies wearily.

Oliver leans against the banister next to the landing Rhea is sitting on and lets his head fall back as he replies, "Well, I mean everything. This whole encounter with Finnick Odair, I understand now why you have a strange feeling about the guy. Because I had it too. A whole range of strange feelings to be honest, but Ms. Fouler's performance really topped it all."

This makes Rhea prick up her ears. She looks at him in wonder and asks, "Do you know her?"

Oliver just laughs softly and replies matter-of-factly, "I know pretty much everyone here at least fleetingly, remember? The punishment for being born into a wealthy family." Oliver's eyes land on Rhea whose raised eyebrows clearly communicate that she is waiting for more elaboration. Oliver sighs and continues, "Narcissa Fouler, my mother deals with her from time to time. As far as I know, her assets consist mainly of real estate she inherited from her father. She has no husband and no children, so she spends her time throwing money around, at least that's what my father said. I didn't know she had a thing for men less than half her age, though."

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