Chapter 27 - Spring and new beginnings

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Rhea feels an immense impatience as she looks out from Linus' living room at the beautiful garden, which is slowly coming out of hibernation again. Leaning her shoulder against the window frame, she waits for her mentor to return from the kitchen. When Linus finally enters the room with two steaming cups, her eyes immediately turn to him expectantly.

"I was surprised that you actually didn't try to inspect my work even once, but I can see that it seems to have cost you a lot of restraint," Linus says with a sly grin as he navigates toward the living room table.

Rhea crosses her arms in front of her chest and counters, "Like you're any different when it comes to work."

Linus responds to her with a laugh, but says nothing more about it. "So how are things with Finnick now that you're back on your feet?" he asks instead as they take a seat in the living room and he slides a cup toward her.

"I don't know yet, I wanted to talk to you first before I meet with him. After all, I don't start work again for another two days," Rhea replies. "So, did you talk?" she then asks, looking at Linus expectantly and with great interest.

"Extensively," Linus answers curtly.

Rhea is noticeably impatient and follows up, "So, was I right?" It actually took her a lot of effort not to inquire once in the three weeks, because she would have wanted to.

Linus answers her with a warm expression on his face and announces, "Yes and no. You were right in that there are things that are just hard for him to talk about with someone like you. However, you were wrong in that this problem is more due to the circumstances of said issues and less due to your person." It is easy to tell from his placating tone that he is trying to convey his findings as gently as possible. After all, he knows Rhea and how her mind works. She, too, tends to make herself the guilty party.

Before she can start to argue, he adds, "You didn't do anything wrong, in fact it was a good decision to come to me with this. You know by now that it's not wrong to ask for help, even for you. You can't always solve everything on your own, there's nothing wrong with that." They've had this conversation so many times, and yet she needs to be reminded of it every now and then.

It's clear from the look on her face that he's hit the mark once again. She briefly lowers her gaze to the floor and decides to leave it at that. In the end, she realizes that Linus is actually right and she didn't come here to squabble with him. "So then you guys talked about everything? Talked about the things that aren't meant for me?" she asks. She needs confirmation from him before her conscience can finally settle.

"Yes we have, and most successfully so far," Linus replies. He sips his cup before continuing, "That's why I suggested that Finnick should still come to me from time to time even when you resume your work. I think that would be best for everyone and that's our goal after all." You can still tell he's walking on eggshells around her, because he realizes that Rhea's confidence and her whole self is still somewhat new, and that it could very easily be shaken again, which is something he wants to avoid at all costs.

Linus is reassured when she replies with surprising insight, "Yes, I understand. You're probably right, so let's do it that way." She seems a bit thoughtful, but seems to have come to terms with things and accepted the situation.

Rhea is not done yet, however, and is noticeably searching for words. Even if she is ready to give up some responsibility and put it into Linus' capable hands, she still needs clarity about one thing. "What ... What about this one thing?" she asks hesitantly.

Linus nevertheless understands what she is talking about, the thing which had led to the dramatic scenes in 4 in the first place, her finding in Finnick's house and all the thoughts connected with it. Of course, she couldn't just leave it at that, not out of curiosity, but because she is rightfully concerned.

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