the end

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"Wake up, bruce." Amy chimes, trying to get bruce out of his bedroom for once

It has been a month since it's all gone down, and he hasn't left his room since

He couldn't face vance

It would be too hard

"I'm not going to school." Bruce groans, covering his face with his pillow

"You haven't gone in a month."

"And I don't intend in going today."

Amy, let's out an exaggerated sigh before speaking. "Fine, but you can't hide from vance forever. The longer you take, the longer it'll hurt."

She leaves the room, and bruce finds himself getting ready for school, even when he really didn't want to do

He walks down and is met by a smiling Lilith

"You're going to school?!" She beams

"Yeah, mum."

"I'll drive you. Breakfast is on the table."

He eats his breakfast, and they leave

The whole car ride, bruce was on edge

What if it hadn't blown over

What if vance was going to kill him

"Ok, we're here. Have a good day, hun."

"I love you, mum."

"Bruce, you'll be fine."

Bruce nods and smiles before exiting the car

When he stepped out, a few eyes looked at him, but not many

"Bruce?" A voice from behind says in a questioning tone, like they were unsure it was really him

He turns around and sees finney and robin

"Oh hey."

"How ya been? I haven't seen you for ages. " Robin asks

"Ok, I guess." He says in a way that no one believes
His stomach falls as he sees Belle and vance walking in. Bruce feels a hand on his shoulder

"It'll be okay. Have you spoken to them yet?" Finney asks in a calm voice

"No, and I don't know if I want to."

"Why not?"

"I mean, it's not like I can say. 'Oh, what's up, vance? I am still very much in love with you, and my parents are getting divorced cause of us.'"

"Whatever, what lesson do you have first?" Robin changes the subject


"Same, I'll walk you."

The day was long and exhausting

He felt dumb

He's missed so much and is falling straight behind

Then, at lunch, he felt himself getting pressured by Fin and robin to go and talk to vance

"Oh my god, you guys aren't going to shut it until I talk to him, aren't you?" He sighs

"Nope." They say in unison and start to giggle

"Ok, fine." He steps up from the table and starts walking to the table, vance and Belle are on, but he stops

His heart was beating one thousand beats per minute

He turns around and goes back to his table

"Nope, I can't do it."

"Bruce yamada, I swear to god, I will kill you if you don't talk to him."


So he tries again

And this time, he doesn't turn around

He stands at their table awkwardly, waiting for one of them to notice him

He clears his throat, and Belle looks at him

"What do you want." Her voice had not an inch of friendliness

"Can I talk to vance."

Vance was still not looking at him

He was staring at his feet

"I don't know, can you?" She snaps

"Please." He felt like he was practically begging right now

Belle opens her mouth to say another snarky comment but is interrupted

"It's fine. Yeah, ok, let's go somewhere more private." His face was completely unreadable

They walk into an empty classroom, and for the first time in a month, vance's eyes meet Bruce's

The look was enough to send shivers down his spine

Being up and close to vance made Bruce realis how he looked almost as bad as bruce

His hair was matted, and he had dark circles under his eyes that stood out against his pale skin

"What did you want to talk about." The tone was filled with uncertainty

"I- my parents are getting divorced." That was so random

Why did he say that

He curses himself out in his head

"Oh, why?"

"My dad, when he found out about us, he hit me."

"Oh shit, what a dick."

They stand in an uncomfortable silence

"I've really missed you." Bruce blurts out

"You shouldn't."

"Why shouldn't I?!"

"Because bruce, we broke up, you should get over me."

"How can I get over you? You're the best thing that's happened to me."

Vance shakes his head
"We're too different. We're polar opposites."

"Science says opposites attract." Probably the worst time to joke, but he did anyway

Vance chuckles, then places a hand on Bruce's face and kisses him passionately

Their hunger for eachothers lips was being fulfilled

Vance was the first one to pull away, leaving bruce wanting more

"I love you, vance."

You could see the pain in vance's eyes. What he's about to do is the hardest thing

"Bye bruce."

He leaves the room

Bruce feels like he just got stabbed in the heart over and over again

He knew this was the end

A/n: Thanks for reading everyone 🙏

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