scream all you want

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Tw: homophobic language, abuse

"Get out of my room, vance. I swear to god!" Belle yells at the tall blonde

"Don't you mean our room!" He snaps back

"Urgh, whatever, you know bruce is staying round!"

"Yeah, and he can sleep on the sofa." Vance rolls his eyes

Bruce hates that he likes this prick

It's not like he has ever been nice to him, especially after finding out bruce was gay

At school, vance and his friends would beat him up at any chance they got

But damn, was he good-looking

Bruce never told Belle as they were best friends, and it would make it awkward as fuck

"No, he's our guest!"

Vance looks down at bruce who is sitting on the floor

God does vance hate him

I mean bruce was gay and that isn't natural, right?

That's what vance's friends always say

He was lucky to be vance's sisters bestie, or he probably would have been dead by now

"But it's my room!" Vance growls

"And I don't care. Why are you in here anyway?!"

"Cause one of your friends is on the phone."

Belle grunts and goes downstairs, leaving the two boys by them selves

Bruce finds himself staring at the boy in front of him

"You got a staring problem, fag!" Vance spits

"I wish you wouldn't call me that." Bruce mumbles to himself not thinking the blonde would hear

Before he knows it though he gets picked up by his collar and pinned against the wall

"I'll call you what I want, you get me, you better learn to stay in your place!"

Bruce analysed his face

His eyes were full of anger but his lips looked soft wich you couldn't really say that about the rest of his features

Vance raises his hand about to hit him in the face and bruce just shuts his eyes and accepts it

But instead Belle storms in and comes to the rescue


Vance let's go of the shorter boy and leaves him standing there

"Are you ok, did he hit you, why would he do that???!!" Belle freaks out

"I'm fine." Bruce swats Belles hands away

The two get ready for bed

Bruce was to sleep in vance's bed and belle's on her own

Of course vance wasn't happy about a gay person in his bed but he can't be asked to argue with his twin even more so he settled for the sofa

*The next morning*

"Morning brucey." Belle grins

"Morning." Bruce replies coldly

Bruce really wasn't a Morning person wether Belle definitely was

"Come on, we need to get up."
Bruce just murmurs in reply
"Fine, I'll just do it my way." Belle shrugs

Bruce jumps out of the bed

I can't get enough of you (a brance story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang