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Bruce's pov:

I wake up to Amy jumping onto me

"Morning, bruce!" She giggles whilst I cover my face with my pillows

"What do you want, Amy?" I groan. it's too early

"Stop being lazy and come with me to the shop."

"Go yourself, I'm too tired."

"Not my fault you stayed up all night with your boyfriend."

"You little." I chase her down the stairs where I am met with my dad

"Stop chasing your sister."

"When did you get back, and where were you?" I scoff

"None of your business, stop chasing your sister."  None of my business, the fuck

"Unbelievable." I mutter under my breath

"So can we go now?" Amy looks up to me

"God, fine."

"Yay." She runs out of the door and I follow

We start our walk to the grab n go where we see a ring of people and the sound of loud grunts

I then of course see the blonde curly hair I could recognise from the other side of the earth

I see ziggy in the audience and I run to her

"What's going on?"

"Me and vance were headed to play pinball when this guy bumped into him and now we're here." Yeah, sounds like vance

I watch the fight

Vance was ontop of this poor guy beating the shit out of him

He had blood smeared on his knuckles but it wasn't his it was the others guys

"Go vance!" Amy calls out wich makes me laugh slightly

He then pulls out his knife and cuts into the guys arm he carves the words 'vance'

Everyone around gets a little grossed out but won't snap out of the trance of the fight

The screams escaping the kids mouth was all too familer to me

Sooner or later the police arrive and drag vance into the cop car

But before he goes in we make eye contact and he winks at me

I get all flustered but that's ruined when this annoying ass girl behind me starts giggling like a dying donkey because she thinks it was for her

And of course it was Sienna

Even her name makes me repulsed

She always used to flirt with me and when the rumours came out about me she told me quote on quote 'I can fix you' like bitch no you can't, she's really ugly aswell. I know you shouldn't call someone stuff like that, but I never said it to her face, so I guess it's ok

"Oh hi, bruce, I saw your game last night. It was quite good." She laughs whilst twirling her hair with her finger

"Thanks." I give her my fake smile that everyone always falls for

"Can we go now!" Amy tugs on my shirt sleeve

"Yeah, ok."

"Aww, that's so cute that you're hanging with your little sister." She says in aw whilst Amy gives her a disgusted look
"Anyway, do you think we could maybe hang out after school tomorrow?" And have her force herself on me, yeah, no thanks

"I'm sorry, I'm really busy, maybe another time." Before she could answer, I walked away with Amy right next to me

"God, she's annoying." Amy complains

"Yeah, I know."

We grab some food and obviously I have to pay for it

"Can you take me to my friends house?"

"What's her name?" There was no way in hell I would take her to someone I don't know

"Gwenny Blake." She answered

"Oh ok, I know her brother."

So we head towards the Blake household

I knock on the door, and soon enough, finney answers the door

"Oh hey, bruce, what ya here for?" He asks me, obviously confused

"Amy wants to hang out with gwen. Maybe we can hang out for a bit."

"Yeah, ok." He smiles, then lets us through the door

"Amy!" A girl who I imagine to be gwen squeals

"Hey, gwenny."

They run up the stairs and into gwens room

"Soo, your dad home?"

"No, thankfully, Robin is coming over in an hour, so what do you wanna do before then?"

"I don't know, got any board games?"

"Yeah, I got a few."

So we played some, and then, for some old reason, the conversation was about vance

"Why are you even dating him?"

"He's actually really sweet. Last night, he carried me all the way to my house cause I was so tired."

"Hmm, well, sorry about robin last night. Those two got pretty heated."

"Nah, I'm sorry about vance."

We both laugh, and when robin gets there, we all hang out

A/n: short chapter cause I can't be fucked and this is just a kind of filler and so will be the next chapter

I can't get enough of you (a brance story)Where stories live. Discover now