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Bruce's pov:

I watch as he leaves through the window

Oh how I've fucked up

I asked him out and he said 'I'll think about it' and then left

That's never a good sign

Amy wonders into my room and sits next to me

"Well, that could of gone worse."

"Hmm." I burry my face in my hands and Amy is rubbs my back slowly

"Well, you don't know it's one hundred percent a no."

"Well I'm ninety nine percent sure it is."

"Whatever, if he says no than he's an idiot, anyone would lucky to date my brother." I look up from my hands and weakly smile

She might be annoying most of the time but when she cares for me it reminds me that we will always have eachothers back

"Thanks Amy, you're a good sister you know?"

"I know." She says confidently

We both laugh and she leaves

As I feel tired I begin to fall to sleep

Belle's pov:

Vance comes back through the window

He's been sneaking out almost every night for some reason

I think he might be hooking up with some girl as when he comes back he has the goofiest smile on his face, I've only seen him like that when he really likes someone, so whoever is making my brother smile like that must be great

But tonight he seemed off

"Is everything ok vance?" I whisper to make sure I don't wake up my mum

"Not really." Don't need to ask me twice, I jump out of my bed and grab the bottle of vodka from my middle draw

"Come on then, let's go on the roof, like old times." We would always go on the roof as kids (i mean 13) when life was hard, we would stare into the sky and talk about what's bothering us, we would always have alcohol and some cigarettes, we shouldn't be having stuff like that at the time but who was there to stop us, our mum was always at work and our dad was nowhere to be seen, me and vance raised eachother and that suited us just fine

"Yeah ok." He moped as we climb onto the roof

We sat in silence for the first few minutes, he just sat smoking and drinking staring at the stars

The cold night air was nipping away at my face making my cheeks rosy red

The wind picked up on mine and vance's hair blowing behind us

I decide to brake the silence

"Soo, what's wrong?"

It takes him a few seconds to respond, almost like he was contemplating wether to tell me the truth

"You won't understand."

I look over at him and roll my eyes
"Try me."

He let's out a heavy breath and gulps some of the vodka before speaking
"I like someone, like alot."

"Ok?" I answer dragging out the k in a questioning tone, I mean what's so bad about liking someone

"But I shouldn't, it's not right."

"Do they like you back?"

"Yeah, they do, but I don't understand why," He furrows his eyebrows before speaking again
"I mean, I treat them like shit, I'm a criminal, a nobody and they're .... perfect, I don't deserve them."

I can't get enough of you (a brance story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz