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(Slight mention of abuse)

Bruce and vance both couldn't stop thinking about one another last night

Vance hated it

Why couldn't he get him off his mind

He called him pretty

What was wrong with him

Why did he actually enjoy his pressance

He was going crazy

Bruce was thinking about what his sister was saying

That vance liked him

But he couldn't

Could he

What was he thinking it was vance

He's homophobic

"Vance, you were snoring again."

"Hope you suffered." He laughs at his tired sister, who is unimpressed at his attempt to be funny

"What time did you even come back last night?"

"It wasn't in the night, I got here about five in the morning."

"Jeez, what were you doing?"

"Just driving around."

She shook it off and got out of bed, and walked her way to her closet
"I'm going to Bruce's house, I don't want to stay around with dad, so do you want to join?"

The mention of Bruce's name made him shiver

He had just gotten him off his mind, and now it's back

"I'm going to the grab n go, probably play some pinball, you know the usual."  Vance loves pinball. If he could, he would play it forever and just never stop. Pinball was his escape, and nothing else mattered

"Ok, well, you'll know where I'll be if you need help." She gave vance a big smile before grabbing her clothes and going to the bathroom to change

Vance chucks some random clothes on and walks out the door before his dad can say anything he gets to the grab n go in no time and forgets his worries for now

Bruce's neck was still marked, but he only had one turtle neck, so he put it on again, and he made his way downstairs to his mother

"Hey, ma."

"Oh hey, you're wearing the same shirt again?"

"Yeah, why?"

Lilith clicks he tounge at the roof of her mouth
"It's dirty. Go change and put it in to be washed." Oh shit, what was she going to say when she sees it

But bruce can't argue with his mum, so he goes upstairs changes and goes back down

When he entered the living room, a big gasp released from his mums lips
"Who did that to you? Was it that vance boy, why would you hide that from your mum?!"

"Cause I didn't want you to freak out, look, I'm fine." Bruce reasures his mum

"You don't look fine, I demand you to tell me what happened!"

What was he going to come up with

He couldn't tell her that it was vance because she wouldn't let Belle hang with him

"It was some boy at my school."


"No, ma, just because he has a criminal record doesn't mean he always the cause, it was someone else."

I can't get enough of you (a brance story)Where stories live. Discover now