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(Just a heads up, I know nothing about baseball, so prepare yourself)

Monday morning, bruce wakes up to his alarm blaring, and he was still thinking about yesterday with vance

Had he actually ran away


Bruce gets up and meets his family downstairs

"Morning darling, guess what I heard from the other mums!" Bruce always loved hearing about the mum gossip he loved seeing his mum excited about rumours


"Louise is pregnant, and it isn't her husband!"

"Oh wow, do they know who got her pregnant?" Bruce asks, generally listening

"No, but we will." They both laugh, and bruce eats his breakfast

"You ready to go, bruce? Cindy is waiting for me!" Amy asks, hoping maybe bruce would walk with her

"Don't wait up, I'm going to walk with Belle."

"Ok, walk with your girlfriend."

"Not my girlfriend!" Bruce rolls his eyes

"Why not, She's a brilliant girl?" Lilith buts in

"Just, we don't like each other like that."

"Ok, love, tell her I said hi, I like her."

"Yeah, ok, bye mum."

Bruce felt uneasy with the amount of yelling he heard when he arrived

"Yeah, fuck you!" The door opens and slams
"Hey bruce."

"Hey, is everything ok?" He asks walking on

"No, dad's being a prick and um, vance didn't return last night." Her voice cracks in sadness

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm sure vance will come back."

"Maybe, anyway can we talk about something else."

"Yeah of course, my mum says hi."

"Aww, I love your mum."

"She loves you too." The two smile at eachother but when they step into school there was a fight going on

Belle and bruce both hoped it might of been vance who was fighting but obviously it wasn't

They made there way to their lockers and grabbed some books, when bruce closes his locker door, a smiling Henry appears

"Hey bruce."

Bruce gives Belle a look practically saying

'Give me a minute'

Belle nods, slaps his ass and whispers
"Don't flirt to hard." Before walking away

"Hi Henry, how you doing?"

"I'm doing great, my teams got a game against yours on Saturday."

"Yeah, prepare to get crushed." They both laugh

"About the other day, is vance your boyfriend?"


How could anyone think vance and bruce were boyfriends

"What, no!" Bruce says defensively

"Oh, good, hey I was wondering, after the game do you maybe want to hang out?"

"Are you asking me out on a date?" Bruce cocks an eyebrow

"Shoot, what if I was." Henry's smile seemed genuine

I can't get enough of you (a brance story)Where stories live. Discover now