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(Mention of Ed and homophobic language)

Vance's pov:

At night, i come through Bruce's window for the first time in weeks

"Hey, brucey." My face glows with happiness when i see bruce

"Hey." He looks a little upset, though

"What's wrong?" I sit down next to him on his bed

"You starved yourself... because of me." Tears streaming down his face

"No, bruce," I grab his face and wipe away the tears with my thumbs
"It's not because of you." I try to reasure him

"Then why?" Bruce sniffles

"I don't know, but it's not your fault."


I lean in and start to kiss him, which ends up being a make-out session

He's definitely got a lot better at kissing since the first few times

I make my way down to his neck

"Can I?"

"Y- Yeah." He answered, so I started kissing his neck

He pulled on my hair, which caused me to kiss faster and harder

After a few minutes, I stopped, and we just cuddled in a comfortable silence. That's when I realised bruce was asleep and I decided to join him

3rd person pov:

Lilith walks into Bruce's room, which causes him to jump

His mum quietly gasps

Bruce realises it's because vance was cuddled up next to him asleep

"Mum, I can -"

"It's fine, bruce. Just get him out of the house before your dad wakes up and also try and hide that." She points to his neck

"I, uh, yes, mum, can you call Belle, tell her to come with makeup supplies?"

"Yes, I can. Good luck waking him up." She laughs and goes downstairs, and bruce lets out an exaggerated huff

"Vance!" Bruce shakes the sleeping blonde. He tries three more tries with still no success
"Oh my god, wake up."

"Belle, it's the weekend, let me sleep!" He whines, not opening his eyes

"It's not Belle it's bruce, and you need to get up!"

"Bruce?" He jolts up suddenly remembering where he was
"You look cute."

"Thanks, but you need to leave. You're lucky my mum is more woke than my dad!"

"Geez, calm down, I'm leaving." Vance laughs

He plants a kiss on Bruce's lips and then leaves through the window

Five minutes later, bruce's door opens

"Ok, what's the emergency?"

"This." He points towards his neck, and Belle makes an 'oh' shape with her mouth

She sets her make-up bag down and pulls out the foundation they bought when Belle did Bruce's make-up for fun

She applies it to a blender, and she starts her work

"So who gave it to you?" She cocks an eyebrow up and Bruce's face goes red

"I can't say."

"What, he in the closet?"

I can't get enough of you (a brance story)Where stories live. Discover now