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Three Years Later, 2009

Aurora had blossomed in Paris. Holden had moved with her, after his break up with Thomas. Aurora made him promise that he didn't break it off with Thomas just so he could move to Paris - and Holden swore that it wasn't like that. They both wanted different things - Thomas wanted to settle down and get married. Holden....well, he wanted to be free. Atleast for a few more years. And Aurora couldn't blame him for that. She knew how horrible being in a relationship where the people wanted different things could be.

The art program was fabulous and she had learned so much from all of the available teachers. She liked to think she was fluent in French now but still struggled with understand a few things. The knowledge of magic was tucked far away in the deep confines of her mind, only stepping forward anytime Ginny came to see her. And even then, those meetings were few and far between because of everything Ginny was doing for herself. Aurora was so happy for her - marrying Harry (Aurora reluctantly missed the celebration because of school, and NOT because Ginny told her George had met someone and it was serious.)

The program was accelerated and Aurora had found herself graduating from it in only sixteen months. Since that time she and Holden had worked hard on upping their skills. Their entire flat was covered in easels, drop cloths, used and unused palettes, and a variety of canvas' and different mediums. She knew this had been her calling from the moment she stepped foot into the Louvre. All of the paintings were beautiful. They didn't need magic to add life, and while Aurora was still technically not used to the muggle paintings being still - the people made of paint, oil, or charcoal not literally speaking to her, she grew accustomed to it quite easily.

Her talent only continued to grow, painting nearly every day when she was not at work. Holden became her rock and had brought her out of her shell. He introduced her to so many people, other artists and admirers of the art. She had even gone out on a few dates. Nothing serious, most of the men were not her type but she still enjoyed herself and the free dinner that came with going out on a date.

When Ginny got pregnant, Aurora cried for hours while hugging her best friend and congratulating me her and Harry. The latter sat on the opposite couch and allowed his wife and her best friend to gush over the idea of bringing a baby into this world. Aurora's hand never left Ginny's bump, whispering to her future niece or nephew that Auntie Aurora would love them so much even if she wasn't around as often.

When James Sirius Potter was born, Aurora cried even more. She didn't go back to London, though, even if she wanted nothing more to see the new babe and her friend. When James was just shy of one month old, Ginny and Harry traveled to Paris and allowed Aurora to get all of her baby cuddles in. In truth, Ginny was deviously buttering up her friend to break the news of George's own engagement and pending nuptials.

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