17. Friends Who Kiss...And Stuff

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** Warning - this chapter contains SMUT **


"Breathe me in, breathe me out

I don't know if I could ever go without

I'm just thinking out loud

I don't know if I could ever go without"

- Watermelon Sugar, Harry Styles


George had truly the best birthday in a very long time. He spent both nights curled up with Aurora in his arms by the fire. At this point, he didn't mind that they weren't going any further than intense snogging sessions. He just liked having her near. The soft scent of lavender that often lingered on his jumpers after hugging her. The weeks after his birthday went by quickly. He did not even realize that it was now coming up on the fourth anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts...the anniversary of Fred's death. Aurora stayed over most nights unless she had an early morning class or shift at the bakery.

George was nervous he was getting dependent on having her around. They categorized themselves as friends who kiss. But as the nights continued, George found himself wanting much more than just that. He had even gone to Ginny to ask her opinion. He didn't want to push Aurora away, but he was starting to get nervous about whether she'd stop whatever it was going on that was going on between them. Ginny gave him some solid advice. After all, being Aurora's best friend – Ginny knew her well.

Looking at the calendar hanging on his wall, George let out a sigh. May 1, 2002. How did the time go by so fast? He wasn't sure how he survived these past four years... he barely made it out alive.


He straightened up a bit when he heard her soft voice echo throughout his flat. "Back here!" He called, moving away from the wall by his bed before moving towards the desk on the opposite side.

"Hey," Aurora walked in slowly, a smile appearing on her lips as she looked over George. The warm weather left the heavy, thick clothing behind. George was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a short sleeve button up shirt with an outrageous pattern in bright colors. Aurora eyed the shirt for a moment before leaning up and letting her lips brush against the corner of his mouth. "You are dressed to impress today, love." She told him with a smirk.

"My niece or nephew is going to be born at any moment... I need to look my best!" George told her, letting his hand grasp her elbow to keep her close to him before swooping down and capturing her lips with his. "You look nice, too." He whispered against her lips, letting his lips linger along the corner of her mouth as he pulled back. Her thin frame was covered by a bright yellow sun dress and she had her chambray jacket hanging over her forearm now that she was inside.

"Thank you." She had kissed him back before moving away and draping her chambray over the back of the chair.

She looked down at the desk and giggled. George had bought two separate gifts, one clearly made for a baby boy and another for a baby girl. "I still say it's a girl," She began, reaching forward and picking up the pink headband that had a large bow attached to the front. She then set it down and moved to flop down against George's bed. "Call it a hunch." She pulled herself up along the bed before her back was resting against the headboard.

"I just can't believe this kid is going to be born...now. Is it possible for the baby to not be born until tomorrow?" George crawled his way onto the bed and laid his head down on Aurora's stomach, his body wrapping around hers.

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