28. Time

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Minutes. Hours. Days. Weeks. Months.

Time truly had no more meaning for George. He was still twisted up, conflicted about Aurora and her feelings for him. How could she be with him – in the most intimate sense – and turn around to tell him that she could see herself falling in love with another man?

The last remaining Weasley twin was at a loss. The remaining weeks of summer passed quickly. He had surprised himself by putting his all into the shop, though. If he couldn't have Aurora – at least he had the shop. Gods, that was pathetic. He knew Fred would have been breathing down his back for letting a woman affect him as much as Aurora has.

George was sure his family was glad that he was still attending Sunday dinners at the Burrow. Aurora no longer attended, of course. It was now the first of December and George found himself listening in on the conversations between his mother and sister about the brunette.

"How is Aurora doing, Gin?"

"She's doing really well. She got a job in some muggle museum. She seems really happy."

"Is she still with that Theodore boy?"

"Mum," Ginny had laughed. "He's not a boy. But yes, she is still seeing Theo. She seems happy."

George ignored the look his sister gave him. The look that screamed you blew it big time. He knew he blew it. He wasn't sure why or how, but he knew there may not be any salvaging the friendship between himself and Aurora.

The fireplace roared to life and Percy stumbled out, brushing himself free of soot. "Hello family!" He called cheerfully, moving towards the kitchen after hanging his coat and scarf by the front door.

"Oh! Percy! How did it go?" Arthur smirked from his spot at the top of the table, folding the copy of the Daily Prophet he was reading to give his son his full attention.

"How did what go?" Molly looked at her son before back at her husband. If there was one thing about Molly Weasley that her family should know, it was that the matriarch did not like being left out of things.

"I'm going to ask Penelope to marry me."

Molly was crying. Arthur stood up and shook his son's hand – although he knew this already. Percy had come to his father for advice and Arthur did his best to tell him everything he knew about how to make it special. Arthur liked to think of himself as quite the romantic. Molly would agree. And seeing the number of children their marriage produced... everyone else could agree, too.

The rest of the siblings, plus Harry and Hermione, had all gotten up to congratulate their brother in his decision.

Ginny had hugged Percy form the side before looking down at the box he now procured from his pocket.

"Oh, Percy! It's beautiful. This is brilliant." Ginny smiled widely and inspected the ring, almost afraid of taking it out of the box. Hermione peered over her shoulder to inspect the expensive piece of jewelry, as well.

"My big brother is growing up. Disgusting." George teased, shaking his brother's hand before glancing at the ring and giving it a nod of approval.

Truly, George was happy for his brother. In fact, he was happy for all his siblings. They were all doing wonderful things in both of their personal and professional lives. George was doing well professionally... but personally, they all knew he was struggling. Ginny, especially. She had tried to spend more time with him, knowing that he was hurting over Aurora.

A part of Ginny felt like she was to blame for this. She had plotted against them to try and bring them together. It had only torn them apart in the end.

"Well brother, tell us how you're going to pop the question!"

Everyone sat back down at the table now, George pouring out more firewhiskey for everyone to toast to Percy and Penelope. Percy blushed furiously – almost not wanting to tell them for fear of getting rejected.

But eventually he told them. Percy was planning on asking the question on New Years Eve. He knew it may be a bit cliché, but it was Penelope's favorite holiday – according to him. There was something about the start of a new year.  A fresh start, a clean slate.

George could appreciate the sentiment.


Conversation soon died down, at least in volume. George was now on his fifth drink of the night. His eyes falling onto Ginny as he listened in on her conversation with Percy.

"I almost forgot to mention," Percy began, clearing his throat. He quickly glanced at George before looking down at his little sister.

"I saw that Nott guy while I was shopping."

"Was Aurora with him?" Ginny questioned, tilting her head to the side as she took a sip of the firewhiskey remaining in her glass.

"Erm-" Percy shook his head, "No."

"Well, what? What is it?" Ginny was now sitting up straight, eyes shifting to George as she noticed him listening in. He was doing a poor job at eavesdropping. She'll have to give him some pointers. But as she looked around the table, she noticed that almost everyone had stopped their conversations and was now listening in to what Percy was saying. What was she missing?

"He was shopping." Percy told her.

"Perce... You've lost me. Why is this important? Was he with another woman?"

George's ears perked up at this. Was Theo cheating on Aurora? Was this his way back in?

"No, no. Nothing of the sort. Quite the opposite actually." Percy rubbed at his chin before continuing, "He was shopping for a ring."

Silence. Everyone stopped talking, stopped moving really. Eyes were trained on George. It was almost like they were looking at him out of pity. Scared of what his reaction would be from hearing this.

"You cannot be bloody serious?" George was the first to speak up. He was trying his best to ignore the feeling beginning to swirl in the pit of his stomach. "They've been together for a few months. That is way too soon for fucking marriage. Right?"

Ginny chewed on her bottom lip. "You know those sacred twenty-eight families do things a bit different." She explained, shrugging her shoulders. "Though, honestly, I am surprised. Rory hasn't mentioned anything to me about being too serious with him."

Ron rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, his eyes trained on George. "Well..." The second youngest Weasley sibling was unsure of what to say. He could see anger cross George's face. A hint of sadness, too. George, no matter how many jokes he played, always wore his emotions on his face.

Without another word, George stood up. The quickness of his movement caused the chair to almost tip back. His face was twisted up in confusion. He made his way to the fireplace, forcefully grabbed a handful of floo powder before throwing it down and stepping into the flames with a rough "Weasley's Wizards Wheeze's". There was no way that Aurora would say yes to marrying a bloody Death Eater. No matter how much she says he, and his friends and family, have changed. George didn't believe it for a second. He couldn't.

The rest of the family fell silent.

"Now Percy," Ron groaned, "Why did you have to say that in front of George? You know the damn fool is still pining over Aurora."

Percy shrugged, "I didn't think he would so blatantly eavesdrop. But it is better if he knows, right?"

Ginny shook her head. Molly and Arthur joined in.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that."

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