16. Stolen Kisses

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"I couldn't want you any more

Kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor

I couldn't want you any more tonight"

-          Sunflower, Vol. 6, Harry Styles


Aurora had left quickly after Ron and Ginny showed up at George's flat. She had to practically talk all three siblings into letting her leave alone. She wanted time to think about everything and getting the chance to walk the rest of Diagon Alley until she got to muggle London would help. She had secretly pressed her lips to George's as he walked her to the hallway and stairs leading to the shop. Wishing him another happy birthday, she turned and walked off.

The walk to muggle London did a lot to clear her mind. She wasn't sure what she was truly getting herself into. Was this a mistake? George seemed to be in agreeance with her decision to be friends who sometimes snog one another. As long as she didn't shag him the first chance, they had...she should be ok. Right? Shaking her head and removing all thoughts of George and what he looked like beneath his clothes, Aurora found herself finally back in her own flat. She showered, fixed up her hair and face with minimal makeup before finding a comfortable outfit of blue jeans and a black and white striped long sleeve t-shirt. Slipping her feet into her white trainers, Aurora sat on the edge of her bed and let out a loud sigh.

She originally had not gotten George anything for his birthday. After all, she told him last night – with her lips – that she was his present. Bloody hell, what is wrong with me? Aurora chewed on her lower lip as she stared at the small box on her bed beside her. She couldn't answer the questions about why she got him a cellular phone. She knew Arthur would go bananas, so she told herself she would give it to him in secret. She was still firm in her decision to remain in the muggle world. She had certainly gotten better, and more comfortable, around magic again. But to pack up what she was doing here and move back to strictly be in the wizarding world? She couldn't see herself doing that. After all, she had promised George she would introduce him to the muggle world. What better way than buying him a phone so that they can communicate with one another when she was back in her own world.


By six in the evening, the burrow was fully alive with birthday celebrations for George. Aurora had met George at his flat beforehand and used the floo. She made sure to leave his birthday present there, hiding it by his couch so she could have him open it when they returned later that night. Dinner was delicious, and soon as Aurora and Molly brought out the cake for George, she found herself walking off along the grounds surrounding the home. It was a nice and quiet evening. That was one thing she did miss about living in Ottery St Catch Pole... London was far too noisy for her to ever get a moment of silence. Holding the glass of wine by her chest, Aurora stopped by the pond, letting her eyes roam over the still water.

"Why'd you run off?"

Turning at the sound, Aurora smiled softly when she spotted George. "I didn't run off!" She told him, taking a small sip of wine, the carbonation making the tip of her tongue tingle. "It's been a while since I've had any peace and quiet. And I forgot how much I loved being out here in the country."

George closed the distance between the two, moving to reach out and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "I don't think I'm helping the peace and quiet bit, am I?" He joked, beaming down at her as she looked up at him, refusing to break eye contact. "There will never be peace and quiet where George Weasley is." She laughed, turning back a bit to look out at the water, leaning her body into his side. George took that as a cue and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in against him. Her body fit perfectly besides his. He started to wonder how long he would be able to go with just being allowed to kiss her. He wanted to do so much more. He wanted to give her so much more. He would learn to be patient, of course. At this moment, though, it seemed that patience may be unattainable for George.

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